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(2024-12-17, 17:25)izprtxqkft Wrote: that's what it's come to, having to hardware hack the device you paid for in order to actually own it


Wrong, the device works as intended perfectly. "Hack" is only needed to make it work in a way that is not advertised, nor sold for.
(2024-12-18, 16:00)Sholander Wrote: Wrong, the device works as intended perfectly. "Hack" is only needed to make it work in a way that is not advertised, nor sold for.

if i buy a laptop/pc/raspberry/etc i completely own it
meaning i can install whatever OS i want and whatever BIOS/firmware i want
that to me is owning a piece of hardware, use it how i want not how i am told to

most PC hardware is "intended" for use with windows but the manufacturer doesn't block everything so you can only use windows

what they're doing now is some Apple shit where you just lease their hardware and they get to tell you how you can use it
(2024-12-18, 11:17)meccs Wrote: As soon as I connect bluetooth headphones to the Fire TV Cube 3, Kodi has a/v corrections and it's driving me nuts. Visually it's like a frame skip whenever this is happening. No other streaming app has this issue on the device. Is there anything I could try to resolve this? My LG C2's bluetooth is shit. I would connect the headphones to it directly via BT since Kodi doesn't have a/v corrections that way but I have intermittent crackling caused by the LG (according to people with similar issues on the LG).

start a new thread in the android support section https://forum.kodi.tv/forumdisplay.php?fid=164
provide a Debug Log

expect fritsch will see it and be able to advise some sort of actions, they usually do
Posted in wrong thread.
Quote:if i buy a laptop/pc/raspberry/etc i completely own it
meaning i can install whatever OS i want and whatever BIOS/firmware i want
that to me is owning a piece of hardware, use it how i want not how i am told to

most PC hardware is "intended" for use with windows but the manufacturer doesn't block everything so you can only use windows

what they're doing now is some Apple shit where you just lease their hardware and they get to tell you how you can use it
the ability to put in your own OS is a privilege given to us, OEM's are within their right to lock bootloader. They don't sell you the hardware saying you can put your own OS on it. This has happened to Smartphones.

Also you have to put it into context. Leaving it unlocked affects one particular software and business which is Google. If you want your device to be certified and have access to Google's software they are requiring OEM's to lock it down. This is perfectly reasonable request and is even forced on Google if they want to make money. So basically if you want a device with Google certified stuff you will have it locked down. If you don't want a device and want to hack your own stuff then don't buy google certified device.

Comparing it to a PC is also wrong. This is not sold to you as a personal computer, but a media centre, single purpose device. If you want a personal computer to put on CoreELEC then buy a personal computer. 

Lastly Google probably spent a billion to get the software as it is. They then sell you the software for pennies so you will start to buy their stuff. leaving it unlocked means it's easy for a lot of people to bypass that and have it for free. Then google don't make money and stop making cool stuff so everyone loses out, then you can install what you want and won't have android. Does this make sense? You are buying a $50 worth of equipment that has had trillions of dollars worth of R&D and all companies do it to make money. They are a pro profit company and have shareholders.

Do I loathe them for doing this , of course. But I would have done it for the reasons I listed. Nothing is for free.

Don't take this personally but it's quite entitled thinking you should be able to modify certain parts because you don't even create the parts and rely on others. You want Google to be exposed to security and piracy, then you want Other people to create free open software (Core Elec), then you want OEM's to add more time to create a bootloader for you to use. Don't get confused with groups that do it for free and in their own time and companies who exist solely to make money.

End rant
@Sholander with this new revelation and how easy and cheap it is to buy the uart cable, I'm hoping in the future CoreELEC add support for this again. The only issue now is the downgrade to 100Mb/s ethernet. But placing an order in aliexpress, you can add a uart cable and USB ethernet adapter for probably $6

considering the G1 cost $52 and I've seen $10 in good sales, you can get the G1 + Uart cable + USB ethernet adapter for less than $50 (total) pre tax. 

Considering hungphutho is smart enough to create the modded fm and figure out how to downgrade the firmware, I would have to trust he knows what he's on about when he says it's better than homatics Box R 4k plus, (he owns homatics Box R 4k plus, Rocktek G2, Nokia 8010) not just in software but in thermals and also it's less than half the price. that's nuts.

If CoreELEC gave it some love, (hopefully they will) this box should be the best all rounder if you are willing to put in a little effort
what a load of PR based crap ...
R&D based on OPEN SOURCE, running on an OPEN SOURCE kernel, no i don't mean "they open sourced it", they used open source


there's no use talking sense here but i will leave this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_repair
you are getting confused. To repair something you first need it to be broken. having a locked bootloader is not broken, it does not hinder you to repair the item you bought for the purpose it was sold for.
Take Apple for example they use software so you can't add your own screen if yours is broken. The screen is needed to function so you can use it for what the seller sold you the item for. therefore they are breaking that bill and stopping you from repairing that item. That's all that bill is about. to stop companies to have software block on repairing items

You first have to be technical to even understand you have such things as bootloaders. it's not part of the function for the device. It's nothing to do with consumers and the tech you bought. 
Smartphones have had locked bootloaders for a long time. The fact that Google and SDMC went ahead and locked bootloader shows that bill has nothing to do with this. The fact you didn't see that shows 
how misguided you are. I get you are angry that you can't do what you want. But companies don't have to give you a function just because it has components like a PC and you want it to behave like a PC.

Just to end this, I've mentioned SDMC intend to lock bootloaders for all their boxes right? Google have forced them. Google will force every OEM to do the same. this will be the norm for many boxes that have google certified stuff, we'll see if they have resistance but I doubt it
(2024-12-18, 22:52)MediaPi Wrote: you are getting confused. To repair something you first need it to be broken.

lol see no point talking sense, from your own posts the kinhank is broken, citing a user creating a custom firmware image that fixes things including spdif
if it's not broken then you don't need corelec then you don't need to repair the locked bootloader - makes sense because it actually can do everything it's sold to do

but devices that promise dolby vision do not work, passthrough is broken on a lot including the rocktek so these need repair, since the software is not made available to perform repairs then a complete new OS is needed to fix it

and when they decide not to perform updates on older devices and leave them locked so you can't fix it yourself then what? no biggie, it's google's prerogative to make you throw away money instead of allowing you to fix it?
(2024-12-18, 16:49)izprtxqkft Wrote:
(2024-12-18, 16:00)Sholander Wrote: Wrong, the device works as intended perfectly. "Hack" is only needed to make it work in a way that is not advertised, nor sold for.

if i buy a laptop/pc/raspberry/etc i completely own it
meaning i can install whatever OS i want and whatever BIOS/firmware i want
that to me is owning a piece of hardware, use it how i want not how i am told to

You are comparing open pc architecture and open SBC with a closed AndroidTV box, devices that are not comparable. 
Compare G1 to Apple device; can you install any other OS on AppleTv device?
it's ironic you keeping saying "no point talking sense" when I'm baffled at your lack of comprehension. explain to me where it says you can change the Operating system on the KinHank G1 on the specification page?
You are laughing but I don't know what about.

The spdif obviously wasn't working in CoreELEC. I don't know how to get through to you. You seem to lack comprehension. It's sold to you to perform a task, the task performs perfectly, do I need to say anymore than that?
what about is it that is broken. You're the one who isn't making sense. This is not a general purpose computing device. The Kinhank has gotten an update to android 12, it's meant to get updates to android 14. they are working on the box. buying a $50 box to last you 3 years, you are not happy with that? Do you think it's free for them to make these boxes and charge you literally just a half days work?

You live in a bubble. expecting to use a box far longer than even the warranty. anyone I tried to reason with you, the bootloader is more for companies own internal process's, they sold you a box with certain function, if you don't like that then don't buy it. They are not obligated by law to let you hack it. Right to repair has absolutely got nothing to do with this where you quite proudly thought you had some actual argument that has merit.

You should create your own company , spend a few hundred million in equipment and a few more in R&D and tell google No , you will not lock the bootloader which will help 1% of our userbase so the other 99% can't have
google certified box, see how far you'll get with that. I'm out
(2024-12-18, 19:57)MediaPi Wrote: @Sholander with this new revelation and how easy and cheap it is to buy the uart cable, I'm hoping in the future CoreELEC add support for this again. The only issue now is the downgrade to 100Mb/s ethernet. But placing an order in aliexpress, you can add a uart cable and USB ethernet adapter for probably $6

NO, no chance. CoreElec team will not provide any future support for G1 or any other Kinhank device. Not because of the hardware, but because it is marketed, advertised  and sold by the company which is steeling free available software without any consent from the CE team and associates, that develop it. I think that you should mention this in every post where you advertise their G1 device, so that people are aware why their hardware is so cheap; it's cheep because they sell stolen free software.
Quote:You are comparing open pc architecture and open SBC with a closed AndroidTV box, devices that are not comparable. 
Compare G1 to Apple device; can you install any other OS on AppleTv device?
I literally said that, I don't think he get's it. he even disregards the fact most smartphones are locked nowadays.
He's not open to reason and is being selfish. Companies are locking the bootloaders because it affects their sales, a bootloader is higher privilege stuff
it's more to do with internal process and 95% of the consumers would never access it, especially on an android box. Most don't even know you can have kodi with CoreELEC that gives you access to more fun stuff

The OEM would love to keep it unlocked but it's understandably locked so it avoids piracy etc. bloody hell it's $52 device and for what it advertises and the specs, it blows devices twice it's price point
(2024-12-19, 00:28)Sholander Wrote: You are comparing open pc architecture and open SBC with a closed AndroidTV box, devices that are not comparable. 
Compare G1 to Apple device; can you install any other OS on AppleTv device?

that's precisely my point, Android should not be closed since it's built on Open Source


but i accept nobody really cares that they are getting screwed so this will be my last post on the subject
Quote:NO, no chance. CoreElec team will not provide any future support for G1 or any other Kinhank device. Not because of the hardware, but because it is marketed, advertised  and sold by the company which is steeling free available software without any consent from the CE team and associates, that develop it. I think that you should mention this in every post where you advertise their G1 device, so that people are aware why their hardware is so cheap; it's cheep because they sell stolen free software.
If they loathed the company so much , do you think they would allow the KinHank thread to exist? do you think they would allow me to post actual links to their storefront in Aliexpress?

I'm sure they aren't to impressed with how the company slaps on EMUelec but they was fine about it even after finding out about them "stealing" their software. It's because it got locked down and hardware revision limiting it to 100mbps and they thought what other revisions would be made. You know one of the lead dev has this box and I can tell he's fine with it.

How do you steal something when it's free anyone? they just give more exposure to EMUelec.
That KinHank thread is one of the most popular, check view count. Now with the downgrade possible and the Uart cable costing less than $2, this box is going to get popular.
I think after 6 months of seeing how popular this is and how many people have got it in their hands, they might decide to offer updates, I mean they have done all the work, updating it isn't much more?
and if you and the developer are right and this beats the homatics box, then for it's price, nothing comes close to it. It's slower than an AM6B+ but it can do AV1, even SPdiff is working now.
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