Hey all
sorry for long absence. I have problems creating the zip. it does not work, and i have no clue why
but i uploaded the latest work on github. There changed quite a lot and i think it's a big step forward in usability.
unfortunately you have to update manually the files (without zip) to see the latest.
whats the most important changes:
- remote is now a panel with fast access from every site
- first page is now a "new&top" page with the latest 10 added items to the library and the 10 top favorites and addons
- some styling which makes everything looking a bit better (at least in my opinon). seen and resume are made with font.
- with opening pannel or press some buttons ("home" and "toggle Fullscreen"), the touchpad changed outomaticaly to the right mode.
have fun with it and tell me what you think! In case you find out what the problem with the zip creating is, please tell me!
@dawed: would appreciate it. you can help translating in transifex:
https://www.transifex.com/yarc/ spanish is right now 89% done.
===== full changelog if you care =====
Version 0.11.0
- replaced my own placeholder images with awsomefont symbols (?, file and folder)
- replaced green-ticks images with awesomefont symbol in title (movie, series and addon)
- added resume indicator in title (movie, series and addon)
- removed seek buttons on remote page (use seek in progressbar instead, hotkeys still work)
- remote is now a panel accessible from each site
- first page is now not remote anymore. it's now a "recently added and top fav's and addons" overview.
- if music/movies or series library is emty, it removes or hides menu and start page entries.
- "device orientation navigation" moved to tools
- removed now unneeded settings: "swipe height", "hide device orient. nav.", "yarc Name" and "hide send text field"
- removed "send text" and "stay in popup" in addon details removed -> due to better access to remote
- Help text of swipe field is now written into the swipefield instead of a popup
- shutdown popup replaced with a select and a "do it" button to get rid of the popup
- quite a few css optimisations
- now with a loader dialoge which covers miss-styled loading content
- added HTML escapeing for addon-plot. for now the only escpaed strings, but ready for others too.
- if there is no artist to an album, it return empty string instead of "?"
- added loading indicator when TV-Show seasons are loading
- some small performance improvements
- deleted of "lost/forgotten" css defenitions and translations
- exchanged close buttons in the details-pages with "history-back" buttons.
- Swipe field: changes automaticaly from Navigation to Player (or other way around) if it makes sense
- volume, repeat and suffle icons change now also when setting changed over other remote or GUI
- BUGFIX: show plot checkbox do not cause error anymore if addon name not in settings (folder from kodi favs for example)
- BUGFIX: runtime informations in moviedetails apear again
- BUGFIX: Add whole season to playlist should now always happen in right order (lowest to highest episode ID)
- BUGFIX: TV-Show loading spinner gets now always hidden after loading tvshow