2010-12-24, 06:39
sockenelk Wrote:would really like to try this out - but I've got a starter problem: when installing the imon-software I want to go to Options and set to plugin-mode (as in your readme) - but there is no option to set that anywhere in the whole imon manager...
Using win xp, Zalman hd160 with LCD display, latest imon driver, dharma release version
anyone has a advice?
are u saying you dont have the "plugin-Mode" option?
If so, you need to get the latest Imon software and patch it too as that option wasnt there in older versions. Im currently running iMON_7_90_0702_01 and then i patched it with iMON_Patch_7_91_0929_Beta.
Follow the links on the 1st page of this thread to both of those and you should be right.