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Mod Aeon MQ 7 Mod for Kodi 21 (Omega)
(2024-09-04, 12:16)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
Yes, the fanart images are rotating in the thumbnail frame for albums.
Thanks for the quick fix.

Weird. The fanart in the thumbnail frame never changes in the album window. The default fanart is displayed constantly.

Artist window Shelf3D

Album window Shelf3DV2
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

Hmm...if you go to the Info screen for an album and select "CHOOSE ART", do you see the preview image to the right when you highlight fanart1?
(2024-09-04, 14:19)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
Hmm...if you go to the Info screen for an album and select "CHOOSE ART", do you see the preview image to the right when you highlight fanart1?
There are no fanart, fanart1, fanart2 buttons by default. I can add these art types, but I don't understand why I have to add them manually. If the fanart1, fanart2, etc images work for the Shelf3D album window, why do I have to enter these art types manually for the Shelf3DV2 view?

I'm thinking of a conflict on Android when the Shelf3D view is set for artists and Shelf3DV2 is set for albums.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

Ah...I see the problem. The fanart images rotate for albums in Shelf3D just fine without manually adding them. I'll take a look at the Shelf3D v2 code.
(2024-09-04, 19:41)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
Ah...I see the problem. The fanart images rotate for albums in Shelf3D just fine without manually adding them. I'll take a look at the Shelf3D v2 code.

The issue is only present when one of the following combinations has been set:

1. Shelf3D for artists and Shelf3DV2 for albums


2. Shelf3DV2 for artists and Shelf3DV2 for albums

For both combinations the fanarts don't rotate in the thumbnail frame in album view. This applies for Windows too.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

I fixed it...there was code missing for albums in Shelf 3D v2. The same problem was in MQ 8 as well. The next update will include the fix.
Glad you were able to fix it. Thanks.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

Hi @latts9923, I have two requests:
1. I would like to see the music file info/media flags (codec, samplerate bitrate) for the List3D views.

2. Is it possible to add the Artwork Beef entries "Add Missing Artwork" and "Select Artwork" to the context menu for the music library?
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

How does this look?


I have a fix for the missing Artwork Beef buttons in the context menu, but it requires an update to the Artwork Beef add-on. I submitted a request for an updated version to fryhenryj on Github.
(2024-09-08, 21:21)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
How does this look?

Nice! Do you think there's enough room for a four digit bitrate (flac)?
(2024-09-08, 21:21)latts9923 Wrote: I have a fix for the missing Artwork Beef buttons in the context menu, but it requires an update to the Artwork Beef add-on. I submitted a request for an updated version to fryhenryj on Github.
Thanks. I've found a bug in Artwork Beef. Scanning for old en new music artwork causes an error. I'll post it on the dev's Github page.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

Yeah, I think the four digit bitrate will display just fine.

Hopefully fryhenryj is still maintaining this newer version of Artwork Beef.
Can you look at the actor images in RightListView?
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

The actress images are showing for me in Right List view.
I'm not referring to actress art (I'm not using the Actress Art addon), but the actor (or actress) images when creating a shortcut "Actors" in the submenu for movies and tv shows. If I remember correctly, you have fixed that issue a while ago for the Nexus MQ7 mod and added an alphabet scrollbar at my request.

Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod


I'm not seeing actor's  thumb in Right List view either. Or actress art for that matter. I can't even see the switch to activate actress art in Right List. I thought there was an activation switch to pick actress art or character art, as well as a switch tp show actress art name or not?
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro   | Kodi 21.1 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.1.2  |  Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.4.4
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Aeon MQ 7 Mod for Kodi 21 (Omega)0