Not sure if this can be accomplished, but I'm gonna toss it out and see if someone has some ideas.
Within "Movies" and selecting landscape view, I can see that the landscape images are getting pulled from the moviename-fanart.jpg.
I am looking for a way of instead of pulling that landscape image from the fanart, instead to pull it from, for example, moviename-landscape.jpg
What I hope to pull off here is by directing the landscape view to pull that image from something other than the fanart image, I will be able to use a smaller image and in turn reduce the amount of resources used to populate all those landscape images.
I have taken all of my TV episode landscape thumbnails, reduced their size and my old xbox is loving it...I can scroll through episodes as fast as I want without having to wait for the thumbnails to populate.
An example of cutting the landscape thumb down to 300x168px, but as you can see the fanart and thumb are tied together.