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Mod Aeon MQ 9 Multi-Mod for Kodi 20 (Nexus)
Hi @latts9923,

Yes, I am using NFO files made from TMM. I use GB - United Kingdom as my certification country. In the NFO it is shown like   <mpaa>UK:12</mpaa> or <mpaa>UK:15</mpaa>
Is there a way to add this to the Variables.xml? It seems strange to not be listed for such a big region
(2024-09-22, 21:27)latts9923 Wrote: <mpaa>US:PG / US:Rated PG</mpaa>

If the nfo is written as <mpaa>US:PG / US:Rated PG</mpaa> ; and an acceptable entry is US:PG. Then what EXACTLY about what is in the NFO is not working?....how is it parsed?...is it because of the /? How should it look in the NFO? ....If it is a requirement to be written in a specific way and that way is somehow different than what has been written previous. I can try to ask the TMM to add an option to add settings to adjust the writing style of how the MPAA rating is written in the NFO.... I see that being a bleak pathway...but I can ask and see what comes of it.

*update* I have initiated a subreddit thread to ask TMM devs for adjusting settings in TMM, the thread can be tracked here...anyone feel free to chime in if required...
Kodi ver.19.1  Aeon MQ 8 Matrix Mod Windows 10 
There are UK flags available. Look at the "mpaa" variable located in Variables.xml and scroll down until you see the UK flags. There are specific extensions that need to be in the video filename in order to display the flags.

I haven't made any recent changes to the MPAA flags code. If you would, try this...add "USTongueG / US:Rated PG" as on option in the PG line of the USA MPAA flags under the "mpaa" variable located in Variables.xml and see if that fixes the multiple flags showing.
I see the UK flags under the Variables.xml listed as     <variable name="value_mpaa_detailed_white">, in which the specific extensions require something like flags/mpaa_2/white/bbfc_u_certificate_uk.png
There is a section earlier in the Variables.xml file listed as     <variable name="mpaa_ext"> that contains no UK flags at all. 

Could there be a case for the addition of UK to the <variable name="mpaa_ext"> section, similar to the Australian region; $VAR[mpaa_path]au_g.png</value> but instead of 'au' to be 'uk'
I vaguely recall last time this surfaced that we/i just deleted the artwork asset that was showing up and that fixed it. It was bit of a workaround. TMM people are refusing to make any changes and say that the skin needs to be fixed. I don't have the emotional bandwidth to deal anymore because of personal things. Just let it be what it is. I'd have a lot more money to my name not dealing with any of this. @latts9923 Thanks for all the help supporting this skin and changes thus far. I think I need to go on a sabbatical for a while until things start to improve in my life. On a scale of 1 to Fuck it....I'm about a 97 right now. I'll come back eventually, but for now I just need to step away.
Kodi ver.19.1  Aeon MQ 8 Matrix Mod Windows 10 
The "value_mpaa_detailed_white" and "value_mpaa_detailed_colored" variables are for the detailed MPAA flags for video info. The "mpaa" variable is for the MPAA flags at the bottom of the screen. I need to remove the "mpaa_ext" variable...it's not used for anything.

You're welcome dude. Everyone needs to step away and regroup from time to time bro...I know I have in the past. Like the Microsoft error haiku says...

Chaos reigns within.
Reflect, repent, and reboot.
Order shall return.
@latts9923, I see. thanks for that. I actually never saw the "value_mpaa_detailed_colored" variables. My bad. 
I am trying to figure out exactly then what has changed. Nothing on my end has changed in the setup/creation of NFO files, what is written in filenames, or the certification details, yet recently this error has occurred where before it never was.
As also indicated in my initial message regarding this topic, a similar double icon appears for the resolution when it is a 4K video
UPDATE #43 - This will update the skin to v1.8.3

Image Addition
  • I added two buttons to SKIN SETTINGS ► MAIN MENU named "SHOW CLOCK AND DATE (TOP)" and "SHOW TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER CONDITION (TOP)". These buttons will be visible when using the horizontal menus 3-7. Thanks to melons2 for the request!

Image Bug fixes
  • The main menu was failing to display after the addition of the vertical main menu. The horizontal version of MainMenu.xml is now included in the skin. If you are using the vertical menu, you will need to switch to the horizontal menu and switch back to vertical after installing an update. This may also require you to close Kodi and make sure the "mainmenu_style" setting in settings.xml is set to horizontal.
  • The top clock and weather info was displaying when using the horizontal menus 3-7. Thanks to wags1 for reporting the bug!
  • The video posters were not displaying in View Type-07 when the media case was disabled. Thanks to hardscrabble for reporting the bug!
(2023-12-19, 02:19)Ironbeagle Wrote:
(2023-12-19, 01:23)latts9923 Wrote: @Ironbeagle
You're welcome! For View Type-18, go to the Top Menu under "VIEW TYPE" and select "BD/DVD CASES". A window will open with three different cases to choose from.

There are many different genre icon packs to choose from. If you go to SKIN SETTINGS > ICONS AND IMAGES and select "VIDEO GENRES - ICONS" there is an option to "GET MORE". You will see a list of add-ons that has 11 different Movie Genre Icon packs you can install.

I just added a horizontal scrollbar to View Type-06. It will be part of the next update.
Hi, Yes its in 18 but i would like it in 11 (Low list) :-)
You misunderstood regarding the Genres I have made my own that I am thinking of Sharing with the community. I liked having my Genres as view type 3
But is there any reason the viewtypes are limited in genres?
thats great regarding the Logo View it takes awhile to scroll through 317 TV shows LoL
What do you think of this ? I also made a neon Fanart pack to go with them

Hi Again so finally getting around to updating to new kodi (AGAIN)... I know yuou have done loads to get this working on Omega but any chance you can add the viewtypes back to Genres again? Mainly Viewtype 3 as thats the one that i like best :-) thanks again
Howdy. Let me take a look at adding View Type-03 as a Genres view. And you're welcome!
UPDATE #44 - This will update the skin to v1.8.4

Image Addition
  • I added a third vertical main menu...an inverted MQ 8 menu bar. Thanks to wags1 for the request! When selecting the vertical menu in SKIN SETTINGS ► MENU BAR STYLE, you will see all three menu bars in the correct position when scrolling right, but if you scroll left from the MQ 8 menu bar, menu bar 2 will show out of position. Scrolling left again will display menu bar 1 in the correct position again. I'm still working on a fix for that.

Image Bug fix
  • The horizontal main menu was failing to display after a skin reset. I added a new script and added code to customReset.xml that will now fix the problem. If you're using the vertical menu bar, you will need to copy the contents of MainMenu.xml.vertical to MainMenu.xml after installing this update. Thanks to wags for reporting the bug and testing the fix!
UPDATE #45 - This will update the skin to v1.8.5

Image Addition
  • I added View Type-03 to the list of available views for Genres. Thanks to @Ironbeagle for the request!

Image Bug fixes
  • I fixed a problem with add-ons in View Type-07. While viewing add-ons you will no longer see the media case or the media case options in the top menu. Thanks to @andrzejls for reporting the bug!
  • I fixed a problem with the top clock and weather persisting after switching to the vertical menu bar and selecting the MQ 8 vertical bar. Thanks to @wags1 for reporting the bug!

  • You will now see the same clock and weather info at the bottom for the vertical MQ 8 menu bar as you do for the horizontal MQ 8 menu bar. The "SHOW CLOCK AND DATE (TOP)" and "SHOW TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER CONDITION (TOP)" buttons now apply to the vertical MQ 8 menu bar as well. Thanks to @wags1 for the request!
  • The list for the vertical MQ 8 menu bar is now a wraplist instead of a fixedlist. Thanks to @wags1 for the request!

The user @Ironbeagle created Neon Movie Genre Fanart and Neon Movie Genre Icons add-ons. They are available in my repo under LOOK AND FEEL ► IMAGE COLLECTIONS. Thanks to @Ironbeagle for providing these to the community!

After installing this update, if you have the vertical menu selected you will need to copy the contents of MainMenu.xml.vertical to MainMenu.xml to restore the vertical menu. I also updated the file IncludesViews.xml, so if you have "CUSTOM VIEWS LIST" enabled in the Top Menu you will need to open your Includes_views.xml.custom file and change the visible line for View Type-03 (if you have that view in your custom list) to this...

<param name="visible" value="Container.Content(movies) | Container.Content(sets) | Container.Content(musicvideos) | Container.Content(tvshows) | Container.Content(seasons) | Container.Content(genres)" />
(2024-09-17, 01:27)latts9923 Wrote: @ZsocaM5

Can you verify that Embuary Helper is installed?
Sorry for the late answer.

I tried with the newest version again (1.3.7). New log here: https://paste.kodi.tv/exabofenin.kodi
I fixed the first error "unmatched parenthesis", with editing Startup.xml and removing the problematic line, however skin still cannot be activated (stuck on setup screen).

I also checked Embuary Helper is installed, version 2.0.8
Thanks for letting me know about the error in Startup.xml...it's been fixed. I also found a few more xml errors in the kodi log that I fixed.
I have been able to reproduce this problem with the hanging one time, but that was due to Kodi trying to install Embuary Helper as the skin was running the initial setup. I fixed that problem by making it a required add-on. Some have posted that selecting back four or five times seems to "kick start" the setup screen.
UPDATE #46 - This will update the skin to v1.8.6

Image Addition
  • I added a Halloween font.

Image Bug fixes
  • I fixed a few xml errors that were showing in the kodi log. Thanks to @ZsocaM5 for reporting the error in Startup.xml!
  • The vertical menu bar did not have a "CHANGE THE MENU BAR COLOUR" button in Skin Settings.

After installing this update, if you have the vertical menu selected you will need to copy the contents of MainMenu.xml.vertical to MainMenu.xml to restore the vertical menu.
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Aeon MQ 9 Multi-Mod for Kodi 20 (Nexus)0