2012-01-29, 13:07
The mini forecast that shows when you pause a movie is a great idea. You've done a great job with this add on. Thanks heaps for the quick fix btw.
Troyp42 Wrote:I couldnt do that as I couldnt find a confluence folder or a 720P folder in my xbmc on atv2.Troyp42, not sure if this will help...
bossanova808 Wrote:You Need To Update (try force refresh on the repo)- the current line in question is:
common = CommonFunctions
..whereas the line in your error is the what it used to be...so you are clearly using an older version. That's always the first thing to try if you're having trouble with an add on, as very often a fixed version will be available. For most people, leaving auto-updates on is the best way to go so this is automatic.
...as an add on the add on uses (parseDOM - comes with YouTube so update that too for good measure although it should be automatic) was updated recently.
It's been running smooth as here....