Posts: 279
Joined: Feb 2011
Sometimes when I use XBMC Subtitles, I find a seemingly suitable subtitle and download it.
Everything seems to go fine, no errors. But anyway NO subtitles are showing!!! I have checked that subtitles are enabled and the relevant downloaded subtitle is being used in the OSD Audio menu.
When this happens in a Movie or TV Show, I have problems finding any subtitles that will work and show in that video file. It seems like the problem relates to some video files, i.e. a systematic error.
This happens relatively often, I think, (maybe 10-20 % of the times). Is it a known problem? Am I doing something wrong?
Posts: 4
Joined: Feb 2012
I'm using XBMC 10.1 on Win 7 machine with latest XBMC Subtitles plugin. I don't know if it is known issue but it looks like getting subtitles using Napiprojekt service is not working at all. It allways fallback to other service and find subs there...
Is there any solution for that? I've tested it using Napiprojekt app and the same file - it works very well.
Posts: 1
Joined: Feb 2012
I have the addon installed in Dharma and get the osd button but when clicking it get nothing back