Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Adding a movie with slashes
PatK Wrote:To make it simple... use IMdb as your scraper, IN XBMC hit the 'I' key for information and hit the refresh, should come up with something... (probably not right) click manual and enter tt2156771

Should be good.

okie got it. thanks
While playing around trying to figure out how to make imdb do this automatically, the following filename worked:

(2F being the hexadecimal code for /. And with % being used to escape weird characters in URLs, imdb decodes it)
(2012-01-30, 17:22)mistergoomba Wrote: I have the movie, 50/50 in my movie folder, however since the file is named "50 50 (2011).mp4", IMDB won't find it.

Are there any suggestions as to what I can put in the file name for it to be found, or any suggestions on how to tell XBMC to search for "50/50" rather than "50 50"?

Just go to manage and change the name with the slash you need then go to information slide click same director and it will give you more options depending on the movie tittle according to the internet you select the one you need and thats it
Hi @cucggie
Please take note of the date of the posts you respond to. I think after 9 years, the user probably found the solution. Smile

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