2012-03-02, 21:15
DarkApathy Wrote:Hey guys. hopefully someone can help, but maybe it's just a networking issue. I turned on remoteCeton on my computer at home. I am now out of my house and trying to use the web based stream (I opened up the port on my router)
1. I installed VLC 2.0 on the remote location computer
2. I typed in http://<true ip address>:8555/m/m
3. I see the interface europorsche914 set up in my browser
4. I selected the lowest possible quality (240-100kbps) and selected the correct tuner
5. When i click the channel, I can see that the remoteCeton at my home computer changes the channel and starts VLC.
6. I just see the VLC logo on my browser (tried using firefox and explorer)
thanks for any advice/fixes!
Which ports did you forward? For my setup to work outside my home you need the control port 8555 which you seem to have forwarded since you can see the webgui, but you also need to forward the stream port 8559.