XBMC Lyrics > Slight Update/Addition?
I am using the "XBMC Lyrics script by SveinT" and I love it. I mapped it to a button on my remote even. Slight problem: if you accidentally execute the script when no song is playing, it hangs.
What I want to do is add a simple logic fork which only executes the main part of the script if a song is playing, and simply end if one is not.

if I understand the script code correctly, the majority of the code is in defining the classes which are then used. the driver part of the script is very simple:
w = Overlay()
del w
i'm assuming this instantiates the object w, runs a built in function, then destroys the object. all my proposed change would need to do is nest these three lines inside a logical if. i vaguely understand the syntax is like if conditional statement:
and then you indent everything you want to be executed in the event that the conditional statement is true.
so i would need to do like
if isPlayingAudio()
[indented code here]
hehe that didn't work at all Sad i am not referencing the built in function correctly, don't know the syntax
if (xbmc.Player().IsPlayingAudio()):
  w = Overlay()
  del w
OH! thanks a lot man Smile
Would be nice if you could upload your modified xbmclyrics.py to xbmcscripts.com or even anywhere on the net. Wink Thanks.
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i know, i will do it when i get a chance. gonna give it a logo graphic and everything ;P

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XBMC Lyrics > Slight Update/Addition?0