OK guys all i do is create a STRM file for each channel i wish to include in the TV guide. These can be mix and match (i.e. my tv card channels mixed with streaming channels). As long as you can generate a valid XMLTV listing and have a valid url it works perfectly.
So for instance my tvcard uses TVHEADEND as the backbone.
If i want to have BBC One in my guide i'll create a new file called BBC1.strm with the following inside
Quote:htsp://xbmc:[email protected]:9982/tags/0/55
save the file somewhere you can access within xbmc itself.
Now to generate the XMLTV file i use XMLTVGUI (
http://www.birtles.org.uk/xmltv/), using the radio times grabber, obviously making sure i have BBC 1 listings being grabbed.
Then you would go into the settings of TVGuide, tell it to use a XMLTV file instead of its default streaming, direct it to the generated XML file that XMLTVGUI created and save. When you now load the guide up you'll see BBC 1 there. All thats now needed is to click BBC 1, tell it to use the BBC1.strm file you created earlier and bingo, full Live TV listings.
One thing i must mention is make sure XMLTVGUI outputs to UTF8 or TV Guide won't load it.
Now, you can continue adding channels this way, creating a STRM file for each channel in turn.
So for SKY Movies (Comedy) HD (streaming from the internet) you'd again create a STRM file (lets say Sky Movies Comedy.strm and inside put
Quote:rtmp://fsscdn.foo-net.com/fss-xbmc/live/fss-xbmc/live playpath=sp27.stream app=fss-xbmc/live pageURL=http://www.flashsportstreams.tv/forum/view.php?pg=vip27xbmc tcURL=rtmp://fsscdn.foo-net.com/fss-xbmc/live swfUrl=http://flashsportstreams.info/protected/secure_player.swf swfVfy=true live=true
save the file, make sure you have XMLTVGUI grabbing the SKY Movies (Comedy) HD XML and then repeat how we did it for BBC 1, i.e. load up TV Guide, click SKY Movies (Comedy) HD and direct it to the strm file you created earlier. Now you have BBC 1 playing from your TV card, SKY Movies (Comedy) HD streaming from the internet and all within a LIveTV environment with full program listings.
Where do we get the streams from ? Well good old Blackoutworm and many others are keeping those up to date. Check out
The link you need to put into your own strm files is everything between the <link></link> under the channel title your interested in.
When links change on live streams (they do from time to time) its just a case of grabbing a new one, opening your premade strm file, replacing the link and bingo your back into watching live tv.
Note also that for live rtmp streaming you'll need updated RTMPDump (v2.4) and librtmp.so.0 (linux files) to get passed the protection.
Hope that helps, its certainly extended my live tv and works great.
Obviously clicking and generating 7 days listings each time manually is a bit tedious so you can use console versions of XMLTVGUI (i'm using linux and cron) to automate the tv listing generation.