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Script to install all repositories and addons from "Applications" folder
Hi, I was wondering if there is a script, or guide, on how to use terminal to automatically install plugins located in "Applications" folder. Basically, I keep all plugins and repositories I use in there and I delete everything I don't use. I want to clone what I have on my ATV to 3 other ATVs, but I don't want to go through 4 hours of clicking with remote.

Is it possible to use terminal similar to what we do when installing XBMC and enable all those plugins and repositories located in zip files?

Any ideas?
Just copy the /xbmc/addons/ folder between them. See iOS FAQ (wiki).
Unfortunately that doesn't work. As I understand with firmware 4.4.4 I can't copy XBMC folders between different devices. I tried at least 10 times to copy whole XBMC folder from "Preferances" and I also tried using XBMC backup plugin. Every time I would end up with all addons installed but once I start them I would get "script error" every time they try to access file from Internet. For example, 1channel would do search, show me all available movies and then once I select the movie I would get script error.

Is there anyone who did that successfully on firmware 4.4.4 between two different devices?
I found that when you do copy the addons folder BOTH of them to the new device, you will have to run each app and it will auto setup and work and then you can have one good working setup you can copy. I would say use caution when deleting folders of repos and apps because there may be dependencies another application is relying on that you may break and then have a hell of a time trying to find what folder it was in to get it reinstalled
~ Creator of none, hacker of some, jack of all traits, master of some...
Domaineer, Coldfusion Dev, Kodi customizer, Hedonist
(2020-08-04, 04:11)YIRMASTER Wrote: I found that when ..

It seems like you got yourself a new fetish: reacting to very old forum threads.
I suggest you stop doing that, as it is in nobody's interest.

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Script to install all repositories and addons from "Applications" folder0