XBMC lyrics
How does it work ??
I just hit it and a empty popup window appear?
Should i do something ?
When you are playing music, and the meta information (song title, etc) is available, the script will look up the song on the internet to find the lyrics and display them in that popup window.
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woow Thx alot, but how come there is no sound when the kids sing ?
I mean the mic is on and the music is pumping, the lyrics is there.
But the mic is not making any sound.
I have digital sound output, is that okey?
if you want to do karaoke, you need to find karaoke files and then enable cdg playback. (google for cdg for more info.) the xbmc lyrics script is not meant for that.
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When I run a script like xbmc lyrics, the first time I clik it it works and I see lyrics, then I clik back on xbcontroler and it exits then I clik it again and xbmc looks frozen. same 4 msnX works great first time, clik back qand go back xbmc appears frozen but music still plays? am i exiting wrong? I have xbmc 2.0 python 24.

i think this was just fixed... try this updated python24.zlib file:

(it goes in xbmcroot/system/python)
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