XBMC doesn't show pictures in format 4/3 ?

xbmc doesn't show pictures in format 4/3 !
look this pictures or look this webpage
xbmp cvs 05-june-2003                                                 xbmc cvs 03-11-2003
Image Image
1600*1200 (~200ko)                                                     1600*1200 (~200ko)

Image Image
1600*1200 (~200ko)                                                     1600*1200 (~200ko)
the format in xbmp is 1,3333 real 4/3, the image source is 1600*1200.

i think that xbmc doesn't use format 4/3 selected in the dashboard microsoft. i think xbmc use only format large 16/9.

(note that xbmp doesn't show correctly the pictures since the cvs 16-06-2003, problem zoom, and the pictures show similar that xbmc with a screen large 16/9.)

you can download this pictures test (mire.jpg and mire2.jpg)


xbox v1.1
bios 4977+lba48 (large fSmile
pal screen 4/3

as you have pointed out, the aspect ratio of pictures is not correct.

i'm currently thinking about the best way to correct the ratio - either by using the cximage::resample() routine, or by using the xbox hardware in it's mapping of the image onto the screen.

it's on my todo list.

also: thanks for the great pictures - this is truly a case of a picture speaking 1000 words! hopefully i can convince others to post pictures of the video output in 1080i so i can get that right as well.

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my pictures now uses the correct pixel ratio code similar to videos.

note that it may still be different than xbmp, as xbmp's implementation of calculating the output device's pixel ratio is wrong. rest assured that it is using the correct pixel ratios now, though.


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XBMC doesn't show pictures in format 4/3 ?0