Adult Only Section
Ok i know i'm not the only one so im going to start.

Me and the wife have an 'adult movie' collection that we want to load on the media center but dont want the kids to see them in the movie section. I'm sure I'm not the only one in this situation and was wondering how everyone went about this.
Set up a profile that is password protected. Make sure u set up theprofileto usedifferent source and also have all your movies in a seperate directory so you canadd that as a source. You should then have it seperate that your main profile. I did the same but made a kids profile and haveall their movies and tv shows on that profile.

Also you can add an xxx scraper to have xbmc auto scrape ur movies. :-)
Nvidia Shield with Kodi 18
It's easy. Put porn on USB HDD, don't scan it into the library and just use file view, disconnect and hide when not in use. Otherwise, the kids will find it. They always find it.
Great workaround. Maybe in future versions we could implement an adult section into xbmc and have it password protected and have the scrapers recognise adult material the same way it detects movies and tv shows
It already does. It has multiple adult scrapers, they just arent enabled by default. Search the forums a bit.
I dont want a scraper, i know they are there, i want a way of hiding adult material by default. I always believe a OOB (out-of-box) solution is always the best answer, that way basic users dont have to go searching and installing a semi-basic feature.
I asked a similar question a few weeks ago, although my collection is for some of my more graphic horror films.

What I did was group them into a custom movie set called 'The Extreme Movie Collection' and then set a custom X-rated graphic as the movieset thumb.

Though thinking about it, this might make my daughter even more curious to see what's inside! Smile

I think having them on a separate external drive sounds like a good solution to me.
Make a new profile.
Add your adult movies
Set it as password protected
On the master profile, make a custom button that opens your second profile directly.
Set the skin for the second profile to skip home and go straight to your films.

So you can have adult next to normal movies on home.
It will ask for a code.
After entering the code you land straight in your adult movies.

And if your kid figures out how to use alt+tab they can go straight to learning some biology.
Image [RELEASE] Metroid
Image [RELEASE] IrcChat
Where can go to actually get the temporary password for the Adults Section folder??
@Bobby Mercer

You don't get a temporary password, you set your own...

If you are referring to some add-on, then you will need to ask the add-on developer.
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If your kids are unlikely to be manually searching through your file source, and you're just worried about the titles being scraped and appearing under Movies in all their title glory, you can also place an empty text file into the Adult Only directories called ".nomedia".

And, of course, having a directory called "Adults Only" would just be a "Look at me! Look at me!".  ;-)

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