need help config XboxMediaCenter.xml
hello to all!i try to configure the path xboxmediacenter.xml like on my xbmp config.xml but got no luck!can not see the folders that i need to see!for esample:
on xbmp is like that:
      <name>pc mp3</name>
      <url>c:\my music @</url>


       <name>pc movies</name>
       <url>g:\[email protected]</url>
this is without using relax share,but only keeping it runing,and works ok!
this way is not working in xbmc!i try change the <url> with <path> but no luck!
any help please?thanx
please take a look at the format in the xboxmediacenter.xml. it is different than xbmp.

the share now comes after the ip address.

you also need to specify the protocol. please follow the examples.

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thanx m8!can u give me a examples?what should i write if i want to point to my music folder in :
c:\documents and settings\toto\my documents\my music
thanx! :d
you really need to learn how to provide more information.

you say you aren't using relax.. what are you using?

if you are using smb, then what is the share name?

anyways, just take a look at the examples and you will figure out the syntax for xns or smb. it is not that hard to follow the example and tailor it to your configuration.

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need help config XboxMediaCenter.xml0