# #
# XBMCMail (SSS V.0.91) #
# By Stanley87 #
# #
# sample script from: #
# xbmcmail v0.3.1 - By burriko #
# #
# A pop3 email client for xbmc #
# #
New Features:
**Fully customisable settings via GUI
**Master Password on start-up option
**Email notification sounds
**Better parsing of HTML emails - more updates to come
**Fully updated VISUAL FX's! - more updates to come
Features to come:
**Delete emails option
**Better attachments handling
**More VISUAL FX's (icons, backgrounds)
**support for showing current playing media, album art etc.
**support for mp3 email notification sounds
**Much better support for other skins and resolutions (720p & 1080i etc)
Hi all,
This is my 2nd update for this scritp but calling it the first proper version of (SSS Mod) and starting with version "V0.91"
From now on burriko's "version" of his original XBMCMail script will be excluded from the script name as so much has changed I am moving away from it.
I think xbmcscripts.com is having some uploading issues as I can not update yet, but keep checking back and hope it is up in the next few days.
Please let me know what you all think of the scipt.
# #
# XBMCMail (SSS V.0.91) #
# By Stanley87 #
# #
# sample script from: #
# xbmcmail v0.3.1 - By burriko #
# #
# A pop3 email client for xbmc #
# #
New Features:
**Fully customisable settings via GUI
**Master Password on start-up option
**Email notification sounds
**Better parsing of HTML emails - more updates to come
**Fully updated VISUAL FX's! - more updates to come
Features to come:
**Delete emails option
**Better attachments handling
**More VISUAL FX's (icons, backgrounds)
**support for showing current playing media, album art etc.
**support for mp3 email notification sounds
**Much better support for other skins and resolutions (720p & 1080i etc)
Hi all,
This is my 2nd update for this scritp but calling it the first proper version of (SSS Mod) and starting with version "V0.91"
From now on burriko's "version" of his original XBMCMail script will be excluded from the script name as so much has changed I am moving away from it.
I think xbmcscripts.com is having some uploading issues as I can not update yet, but keep checking back and hope it is up in the next few days.
Please let me know what you all think of the scipt.