2012-07-05, 23:42
Hi Stoli, I don't think I've said so yet, but I've been using this skin for quite a while now and I love it, so thanks for all your work. I'm also using your skin to learn about skinning myself. A few quick questions though:
Regardless of what you have time to incorporate, thank you again for such a great skin.
- Have you noticed the horizontal bar near the top of the shutdown menu, where the transparent shadow on the edge doesn't seem to match the rest of the menu for just a few pixels? I played with some of the files in the skin and found were to edit menu items, but can seem to find anything that has an effect on the quirk I'm attempting to describe. Here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about: http://grab.by/ezZO
- Have you noticed that if you disable a lot of the available home menu options, the text of the menu items on either side of the selected item gets really dim as you scroll through menu items, then gradually gets brighter again as you continue to cycle through the menu? It's really apparent if you gor down to say 4 menu options. Just cycle through them and watch the menu items on either side of the one that's highlighted.
- I notice that on the keyboard, the button to move the cursor forward one space is marked with a '>' but the button to move the cursor back one space is blank. Is it only showing up like that for me?
- Does the Restart XBMC menu choice do anything? Because for me it does not. In my own edited version of your skin, I hard mapped it to a script that does a 'killall -9 xbmc.bin' which works okay, but nothing happens when I click it on your version. The menus just closes.
- Any chance of adding another slot or two for customizing the submenus for items like TV Shows? For example, it's great to be able to set a non-video addon as a favorite and use it here (I love that Next Aired can go under TV Shows using your skin; Confluence only lets you pick from video addons when customizing shortcuts that go under video menu options), but it would be even cooler if I could also add Sickbeard control here as well, and maybe even a hulu shortcut, without sacrificing the TV Guide. It's not too hard to go to the favorites menu for these, but in the name of making a wife-friendly PVR, it would be great to dial it in a little cleaner. While she's not likely to need a shortcut to browse our shows by Year, I'd love to make it easier for her to control what we record, see upcoming episodes, get to plugins that offer TV Shows she watches, etc., all from the TV Shows submenu.
- Do you have any plans to add to the choices available for adding custom menu items and submenu items? I have seen in some skins where you don't have to choose a favorite or a playlist. For example, in the XeeBo skin, if you enable the alternat home layout, you can add custom items to the home screen. But when you go to add a custom item, you don't choose from slots like "Custom Favorite 1" or "Custom Playlist 1," you just choose "Custom Item #1" and are given the choice between Fovourite, Music Playlist, Video Playlist, Program Addon, Picture Addon, Music Addon, Video Addon, or defining your own custom path. If this could be done for custom menu items on your skin, I imagine users would have ultimate control over their homescreen. Especially if you could setup sub mens with equal flexibility (like choosing a favorite video plugin as a main menu item, and some of your favorite shows for that plugin in the submenu.
Regardless of what you have time to incorporate, thank you again for such a great skin.