Bug Editing a scheduled recording
I tried to change a recording so it record every day (mo-th-we..............), however for pretty much any change I try to make in the Timer screen

I get: The PVR backend does not support this action. Check the l... An unexpected error occured. Try again later or check the l...
The addon does support it and I haven't changed the timer code in the last few months. I've just tested it and I can confirm that it is broken.
From what I can see at the PVR addon side, it seems that XBMC does not pass the correct Timer identifier to the PVR addon. The PVR addon tries to update the Timer based on the unique identifier and that fails because it got an unknown id.
Developer of the MediaPortal PVR addon and retired developer of the Argus-TV PVR-addon.
I am not sure how to properly report bugs... can you report it for me?
Even better.... I'm currently implementing a fix Wink
Developer of the MediaPortal PVR addon and retired developer of the Argus-TV PVR-addon.
Better indeed Smile

Let me know when your fix is in master or somewhere else.


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