xlink wireless diagram (will this setup work?)
Allright, the reason i ask is because i do not want to spend money on a wireless laptop adapter if i wouldn't have much use for it. its an older laptop. so my question is, will this setup work?

one more thing, i've heard about promiscious mode and u need the wireless card to be able to work in that mode to work properly with xlink. But for the life of me i cannot find any info on such a mode. i have searched these forums as well as google and even talked to the tech guy at my school who does all thr networking for the school computers. so any info on promiscious mode would be greatly appreciated.

thank you for your time.

sorry if u guys have answered these questions a bumillion times, but if u have i guess i can't find the answers anywhere on this site.
You need promiscious mode. I can tell that. At the end i used an wrt54g AP as wireless client. That did the trick for me.

hmm... thats the router i have, except i have a version 2. that shouldn't make any difference, right?
that setup should work fine ..

open the kai config and select the network card the xbox is hooked up to instead of autodetect .. try it and see what happens :]
hicaow Wrote:that setup should work fine ..

open the kai config and select the network card the xbox is hooked up to instead of autodetect .. try it and see what happens :]

great anwer like ever but not work...
Great this is the answer thanks afruff23
thanks a lot guys, i think i have it figured out now.

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xlink wireless diagram (will this setup work?)0