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[DEAD] Watched Data Export/Import - Programs Addon
(2012-11-10, 20:35)chicowoodhill Wrote: How slow is "very slow"? The current speed is very nice but even if it were slow it would still do the job...

I haven't done any test but I would guess it would be similar to when you set the slider "amount of simultaneous sql inserts" to 0 (zero) in the current version. That meaning if you use the default (40) now it will basically be 40 times slower.

But I think I'll go back to the old school way and do a direct connection to the db, I think I've found some ways to get it to work nicely with both local and mysql databases so I'll look into that some more.
If you find any spelling mistakes you can keep them ;)
(2012-11-10, 12:14)Fox Wrote: Sorry for the lack of news but I'm quite busy and I'm a bit torn which way I should go forward with the addon.
I've looked into JSON a bit and I am not sure thats the best way to go due to the relative slow interface you get through it. I'm not saying the http api was better but there you could do a mass update thanks to the sql updates but in JSON it seems you can't and that would mean very slow imports.

But I haven't given up on it, it's just going a bit slow also due to me being new to JSON.

This addon is very useful but no something you have to run every day so being slow is not a real problem.
Hope to see the add-on updated for Frodo soon Wink
Any chance you will move to Github? This is better for us to keep track of updates/commits.
Platforms: macOS - iOS - OSMC
co-author: Red Bull TV add-on
Talked to some nice ppl here on the forum and I think I should be able to use JSON and get it to run as before, time wise at least. Smile
And I hope to get some time to work on it this weekend.

Github I'll have a look at once I get it running for Frodo.
If you find any spelling mistakes you can keep them ;)
I was wondering if any progress has been made on Frodo.

I am looking into ways to allow people to upgrade between major releases but also refresh scraped data. This seems sensible to me as it is in essence a once a year refresh of metadata matcing XBMC once a year release cycle. As far as I am concerned playcount/watched status is the only bit of info in the dbase that isnt scraped so it makes sense to backup just this bit and then do refresh.
Having problems getting your TV shows recognized?

Try my extra TV show matching REGEX here
Sadly not, I've been swamped lately Sad
If anyone want to have a go at it, feel free. Otherwise I'll try to get some work done on it this month but not sure how that will go.
If you find any spelling mistakes you can keep them ;)
(2012-12-03, 17:00)Fox Wrote: Sadly not, I've been swamped lately Sad
If anyone want to have a go at it, feel free. Otherwise I'll try to get some work done on it this month but not sure how that will go.

Totally understand, first things first always.

It's been a great addition to Eden. I sure wish Frodo had it built in. Maybe that gives a bit of motivation for when your schedule lightens up...Nod
This script does not work with the new Frodo beta because the executehttpapi was removed. Please rewrite the plugin to use the new Frodo API's. I've also added an issue for this on the http://code.google.com site.
This script has saved my bacon with the wife on more than one occasion. I too anxiously await the ability to export from Eden and import into Frodo if that's coming down the line. Thanks for all the work.
Go Fox! We need u.
Platforms: macOS - iOS - OSMC
co-author: Red Bull TV add-on
This add-on is great, I would really miss it. Hope you can find the time to get it going for frodo!
Uh-oh, didn't realize this didn't support Frodo... I just exported 5000 watched statuses, then nuked my database and installed Frodo.

Guess I have 5000 useless xml entries, hahahaha; guess I learned to research more carefully next time.

If nobody knows of anyway to import that .xml, I'll see about writing a ruby script to directly import the watched status into a mySQL database at least...
Kodi: Kodi 17.4, with Transparency!
50 TB Unraid Server: Docker Apps: SABnzbd, Sickrage, mariaDB
HTPC: Win10 (cause Steam), i7, GTX 1080
Watching on: Panasonic TC65-PS64 with lowend Sony 5.1 HTIB
Other devices: rMBP 15", MBA 13", nvidia shield
Ruby script to import the watched statuses: https://github.com/JustinAiken/xbmc_watc...s_importer

Hope it helps someone else!
Kodi: Kodi 17.4, with Transparency!
50 TB Unraid Server: Docker Apps: SABnzbd, Sickrage, mariaDB
HTPC: Win10 (cause Steam), i7, GTX 1080
Watching on: Panasonic TC65-PS64 with lowend Sony 5.1 HTIB
Other devices: rMBP 15", MBA 13", nvidia shield
Clock2113, I couldn't get the ruby script to install and run in xbmc, is there something special that I need to do to run it?
*Edit: Nevermind Clock2113, I obviously didn't read your post correctly, your script is for mySQL and not for the XBMC default library*

Fox, This program is fantastic! I can't wait for Watched Data Export/Import to be fixed for Frodo, its the only thing keeping me from upgrading to v12!
(2013-01-30, 07:05)clock2113 Wrote: Ruby script to import the watched statuses: https://github.com/JustinAiken/xbmc_watc...s_importer

Hope it helps someone else!

I'm trying to get this to work.

I've got everything installed and bunlde works:

Using i18n (0.6.1)
Using multi_json (1.5.0)
Using activesupport (3.2.8)
Using builder (3.0.4)
Using activemodel (3.2.8)
Using arel (3.0.2)
Using tzinfo (0.3.35)
Using activerecord (3.2.8)
Using mysql2 (0.3.11)
Using xml-simple (1.1.2)
Using bundler (1.0.15)
Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.

when I run "ruby watched.rb" I get:

ruby watched.rb
watched.rb:19: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting ')'
    phile = Phile.where(strFilename: w["content"]).first
watched.rb:19: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting kEND
    phile = Phile.where(strFilename: w["content"]).first

Am I doing it wrong?

Looks like you've got Ruby 1.8 installed, this needs 1.9...

If you change

phile = Phile.where(strFilename: w["content"]).first


phile = Phile.where(:strFilename => w["content"]).first

it might work, but no promises... if it doesn't, you can use RVM or something to install 1.9... Are you on a linux or mac machine?
Kodi: Kodi 17.4, with Transparency!
50 TB Unraid Server: Docker Apps: SABnzbd, Sickrage, mariaDB
HTPC: Win10 (cause Steam), i7, GTX 1080
Watching on: Panasonic TC65-PS64 with lowend Sony 5.1 HTIB
Other devices: rMBP 15", MBA 13", nvidia shield
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[DEAD] Watched Data Export/Import - Programs Addon2