I'm hoping this is the right place for this discussion, I believe there's an issue with script.favourites and pathsubstitution (originally posted in Quartz support thread and was pointed toward script.favourites -
Here's what I'm running: XBMC (11.0 Git:20120321-14feb09), Platform: Darwin iOS (11.0.0 AppleTV2,1, Version 5.0.1 (Build 9A406a)). Built on Mar 21 2012 with the Quartz skin (amazing!). I'm running version 3.2.5 of script.favourites. I added the following lines into the advancedsettings.xml so that I can share the same favourites file between my ATV2 and my HTPC.
I renamed the current favourites.xml on my ATV2 to favourites.old, restarted XBMC and confirmed that I could see the favourites list from my smb share on my ATV2 by going to XBMC -> Favourites from the home screen. However, the problem I'm having is that when I go to XBMC -> Settings -> Skin and then select the Home menus customizer, and I go to add a favorite in the menu, instead of giving me the list of favourites, I receive the error "Can Not Find favourites.xml".
As a test, I changed favourites.old back to favourites.xml on the ATV2, and repeated the same steps and was able to assign a favourite in one of the home menus. It seems that possibly the script isn't recognizing the pathsubstitution. Reviewing the log, both instances have the same log entries, see below:
19:37:12 T:121151488 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
19:37:13 T:107134976 ERROR: Control 3 in window 13000 has been asked to focus, but it can't
19:37:19 T:107134976 ERROR: ClearBlock: Trying to clear non existent block /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.favourites
20:01:01 T:118370304 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
20:01:01 T:30457856 ERROR: Control 3 in window 13000 has been asked to focus, but it can't
20:01:23 T:30457856 ERROR: ClearBlock: Trying to clear non existent block /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.favourites
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!