Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Recently Added Movies not updating
I tried to work around this, and removed 10 if the latest new movies from the database.(Moved the movies to a temp folder, cleaned the database, moved the movies back, and then scanned for new items). This also did not work.

I just want to be clear, to get the movies scanned in in the way it has been since the ability of "Recently added movies" was added to the original XBMC:

Completely clear the database, and then move 35 of the newest movies to a temp folder, and then scan everything in, and then move over the 35 new releases and scan for new items, and this WILL work? I ask as this is a few hour process, with almost 3,000 movies, and 78 TV shows totaling 2,500 episodes.

The idea of the new way to "keep track" of new releases seems good on paper... but I don't know if in practice, it will work so well. With the movies I have, In my recently added list of 35 movies, I have movies from up to 5 years ago in the list, and not a single movie is actually a "correct new movie". Even one that I just ripped from DVD a few days ago, that all the dates are correct in the file properties..
Intel Quad core 4.6 Ghz / Windows 11 Pro / 64 gigs RAM/ MCE Remote /45 Tb storage / Intel i9 13900k with a RTX 4070 via HDMI to a 80" LED TV / just over 7,400 movies

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Yes that will work if you move the 35 newest moves/shows out of the library folder into a TEMP folder, clean the library those will get removed and then add the 35 back to the paths in the library it will get scanned in with the dateAdded field set to the file ctime/mtime based on your advancedsettings.xml (if you messed with that) . if all your file times are correct that this will indeed work.

I just did somethig similar to 10, movies but just went and refreshed them by hand.
This might be a silly question but where is the AdvancedSettings.xml file?

/Edit: Ignore me, it was a silly question.
I know this is an old thread, but I just got this working through using WinSCP to create the advancedsettings.xml file and editing it.

Anyway in addition to pointing out that this thread helped with the necessary settings to enter into the advancedsettings.xml file, I wanted to point out an easier way to test to see if it's working.

You can simply remove a file, or several from the library. (For me I'm using OpenELEC 3.2.1 [Frodo] and Yatse remote on Android) I held the enter button on Yatse and this brings up a menu that list several things that can be done with that file. You can remove the file from the library with this menu and then simple rescan the library, and then you should see that movie now in your recently added list.

I did this with a movie that I recently added but did not show up in the recently added list. After adding and editing the advancedsettings.xml file this movie shows up in my recently added files right at the beginning of it, like it should be. Big Grin
So I have this problem but seeing the age of this thread don't know if it is still valid info.

I just added this to my advancedsettings file


But didn't have any luck with the movie showing that I just added.
Is this something that still works? Is there another method? You would think that this would be the default method of the program....

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