Startup scan doesn't work.
Hi !

I'm experiencing a weird behavior with the automatic startup scan when I start xbmc for the first time.
Xbmc boots fine and I can see the "scanning for new media" bar at the top of the screen but nothing happens. They just stay up there without any completion.
Even manually if I try to use the IOs Xbmc remote button "scan video library" or "scan audio library" nothing changes, bars in xbmc just pop on and off without scanning anything.
But if I quit xbmc, and restart it, autoscan pops up too, and this time working as expected.

I've tried to change from Transparency! to Quartz and the problem is gone. Even on cold start, autoscan works as intended.

I do not have any special addon nor custom xml.
The "scan for new content at startup" option are well configured.

It makes me sad panda because I just discovered this skin and was planning to stick with it.
Does anyone have an idea ?

Thanks in advance.
hi and welcome to the forum Smile

strange issue, scanning is handled by xbmc, so it basically shouldn't matter what skin you're using.
as for most issues, it's not possible to say anything about what could be causing it without a Debug Log.

so please follow these steps:
- enable 'settings > system > debugging > enable debug logging'
- reboot your system
- start xbmc and wait for a couple of minutes

now post your logfile on
and provide the link to your log here.
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Hi, thanks for your help.
I'm actually running windows 8 x64 pro edition.
XBMC boots on startup with a scheduled task. The task only boot xbmc if it can detect my home LAN network.
I made this choice because sometime xbmc starts earlier than the established network connection, and then cannot access my NAS with the startup scan.

Here's the log of the cold start.

And here's one after I shutdown XBMC once.

You can see it detects all my remote movies since I forgot to clean the log >.>

I kinda fixed the issue by using the hybrid shutdown of windows 8. Putting the computer under hibernate for xbmc allows to avoid the cold start bug.

Let me know if you need more information.

well, basically this is the problem on cold start:
15:52:57 T:5072   DEBUG: Trying to connect to \\\DataCenter with username() and password(XXXX)
15:52:57 T:5072   ERROR: Couldn't connect to \\\DataCenter, access denied

and it's obvious the scan will fail if it can't access the share.

does your NAS perhaps put the harddrives to sleep after a certain period of inactivity?
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There's no chance the NAS or its HDD goes into sleep. I'm hosting enough services to keep it up 25h per day.

Maybe it's a nice and new feature of windows 8 that deny any LAN access while its services aren't all started.
Beside the trouble to access the remote source, I noticed some sort of lags after the cold boot while browsing into the menu.
Could be created by the scan struggling to access to the remote access.

I'll try to get another log with another skin. This weird bug never occurred with Quartz.


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Startup scan doesn't work.0