File not available in library

I´m using the latest nightlies for my three Windows computers and two Android devices.
One Windows computer is acting as a server and has MySQL running on it. I´m using shared libraries and sources using pathsubstitution in advancedsettings.xml and everything is working perfect, except for one thing.

When I try to play a movie on any of the Android devices I only recieve the message "This file is no longer available. Would you like to remove it from the library?" On the Windows clients it all works as planned. This is probably a path issue, right? The Windows clients and Andoid clients share the same advancedsettings.xml.

The thing is that even on the Andoid clients I can open the files in file mode, but not in library mode. The database is updated and I get all the thumbnails, if a movie is marked as watched etc. The only thing not working is watching movies in library mode.

I have tried to turn on debugging, but the log file is nowhere to be found on any of the Android devices.

The shared sources.xml looks like this:
<default pathversion="1"></default>

<path pathversion="1">smb://</path>

<path pathversion="1">smb://</path>


Any thoughts on where to begin? Could it be a path issue in the SQL-database?
(2012-12-28, 21:28)Schlbuditz Wrote: I have tried to turn on debugging, but the log file is nowhere to be found on any of the Android devices.

I'm having a similar problem on my Samsung Galaxy 2 phone. I don't know whether the following applies to all Android devices.
When I turn on debugging, I'm told the log file is... /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/temp/xbmg.log
The permissions on the /data directory are: drwxrwx--x system system
(if you don't read linux permissions, that means it's a directory, owned by the system user who has "read, write and execute" permission, it's in the group "system", with the same three permissions, but the "other" permissions are "execute, without read or write").

That lack of "read" permission for general access means it's impossible to get a listing of what's in the /data directory. The execute permission means that you can go *through* the directory, to pull things out of it, *if* you can supply their names. But you can't read the catalogue of names. So if you're using *any* kind of interface to navigate the file system, it's going to fail (since it can't give you the list to navigate through). It's a very odd (but occasionally useful) feature of *nix filesystems. I don't really know why the Android people decided to implement this, but oh well.

On the other hand, if you log directly into the device command line (I use ConnectBot), you can "cd /data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc", straight through the secured layers, and into the XBMC directory. Just don't stop on the way. Alternatively, you can use adb from the Android SDK to pull the files out. I haven't tried but I'd *hope* that it works.

If you go to the relevant videos in Library Mode, and bring up the Episode information (from the Context menu), then the last item is the Path. Does it look as you'd expect?

Thank you so much! Looking att the path solved it. The first scan was made using hostname instead of IP-adress in the sources.xml and that seemed to work with the Windows machines, but not Android. A new scan with IP-adress in sources.xml instead fixed it!

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File not available in library0