Do people only play Halo 2 on KAI?
orijonl Wrote:Besides many people prefer the ability to sit on the couch and play an FPS game on the big screen with a real surround system.
I know of the mouse+keyboard adapter. Actually thought about buying one of those for Black, wich is probably the best FPS ever on a console.

But that argument about sitting in a couch is an argument I really never really got. It works perfectly to connect your computer to your big TV and sit in that same couch and play and surf. And connect surround to it.

Anyhow, all that is besides the point, and I understand your point on the whole. And I respect that other people like Halo, though I don't. I just wished that more people played other games. All racing games or sports games etc. Just a bit sad that a great program like Xlink Kai isn't used to it's real potential, that's all. And that I never get anyone to play against on FlatOut and such. :p
we play flatout every night ... :]

stop by the team hicaow [tHc] arena under clans if theirs some of us in there .. we play all kinds of games ..
Great! Smile
Will look into that.
Call of Duty 3 is much better to play online on the xbox than halo2
trust me...if only they have Battlefield 2Tongue
Battlefield 2 doesn't have system link so you can't play it on kai ..
What nnunodark said is right, people go where the majority of others are. If you wan't to play an unpopular game for kai the best way to get people to join you is play a popular game (halo 2) for a little while and then ask people to come play whatever game you wanted to play. Thats the most successful, way to get other people to play the game you want other than what nnunodark suggested.

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Do people only play Halo 2 on KAI?0