22 months after Nicezia's last response on the Scraper Editor (Based on ScraperXML open source C# Library) thread, I put together a similar editor in Java.
It runs under Java 1.6, but that is all the requirements list...
Project page on SourceForge, with description, screen-shots, and download links. Also available on SoftPedia.
I thought it needed a standalone topic, so I opened one.
Below are a list of changes:
Known issues / planned features:
It runs under Java 1.6, but that is all the requirements list...
Project page on SourceForge, with description, screen-shots, and download links. Also available on SoftPedia.
I thought it needed a standalone topic, so I opened one.
Below are a list of changes:
v usagi @ 2013-03-04
- XML syntax highlight in output fields
(The colors used: <tags> : cyan
attribute : magenta
attr value : blue
CDATA : gray
&entity; : green
&inv.entity: red)
v usagi @ 2013-03-03
- Number of buffers changed to 20
- Added comments to the engine, and other classes
- Added a new scraping method to the engine
- Changed FunctionList to not replace existing functions (EG:<include>)
- Adding setting for Scraper folder
- Corrected multiple logging if reused same debugger window
- Minor changes and fixes
v usagi @ 2013-02-06
- Message box on open/save errors
- <include> tags:
- (Re)loading on scraping/debugging
- Dropping on closing the debugger window
- TODO editing includes
- TODO mapping include folders
- URL encoding input text
- Separate input field for year
v usagi @ 2013-02-03
- Issues with the "cs" attribute
v usagi @ 2013-01-30
- Minor logging error, that broke the debugging process
- JRE 1.6 vs 1.7 (JAXB 2.0/2.1 vs 2.2) issue
v usagi @ 2012-12-19
- GUI Threading fix(?)
- Some minor changes
v usagi @ 2012-11-28
- Added Library support: <scraperfunctions>
v usagi @ 2012-11-27
- Implemented debugger feature
- Some minor improvements
v usagi @ 2012-11-18
- Added debugger interface
- Showing execution progress
- Added $$variable to output, too
- Added configurable values
- Added $INFO to access values
- Added caseSensitive attribute
v usagi @ 2012-11-13
- Added Move Up/Down to RegExp's context menu
- Added Rename to Function's context menu
- Added click on matches event in RegExp tester
v usagi @ 2012-11-12
- Some bug-fixes
v usagi @ 2012-11-11
- Dropped Log4J, returned to java.util.logging
- Grouping of undo edits
- Some minor improvements
- Dropped global Edit menu
v usagi @ 2012-11-08
- Added some editing functions to the text components:
- Editing actions: cut, copy, paste, select all, delete
- Simple undo actions: undo, redo
- Context menu and key bindings to those actions
- Some minor improvements
- On my TODO list:
+ Grouping of undo edits
- Implementing global Edit menu
- Exporting as an Add-On
v usagi @ 2012-10-28
- Added Drag'n'Drop support:
- Normal Drag: RegExp exchanged with another RegExp
- Shift + Drag: RegExp copied over another RegExp
- Added Duplicate menu-item to RegExp's context menu
v usagi @ 2012-10-26
- Added RegExp numbering by execution order
- Removed change tracking attempts
- Some minor improvements
- Added CHANGELOG file
v usagi @ 2012-10-22
- Some minor improvements
v usagi @ 2012-10-16
- Added tester
- Some minor improvements
v usagi @ 2012-10-11
- Added Hungarian translation
- Some minor changes
v usagi @ 2012-10-10
- Created project on SF.net
- Initial SVN commit
- Some minor changes
Known issues / planned features:
- Due to lack of documentation many features missing.
- Engine is not working the same way real XBMC does, as there are features of XBMC that contradict the documentation.
- Some Scrapers do not return valid XML (EG: tmdb.xml)
- Some Scrapers use variable numbers above 10, while documentation name only 9 variables (1-9).
- Currently the result of the scraping does not get processed, just displayed. So no functions get called.