2013-01-31, 17:35
So I'm not sure exactly what the issue is here. I have a server running a mythtv backend version 0.23. I set up the xbmc mythtv pvr plugin and it appears to be connecting properly because it shows what is being scheduled to record and it will display the TV channel listing.
The issue is when I try to watch live TV or if I go to the Recordings menu it just sits there with "Working" spinning in the corner.
Now, I thought it may be a problem with how the backend or server is set up but I do have a working frontend that's able to connect and watch recordings.
Here's my log with the top half removed. I started xbmc up at 10:24. At 10:24:55 I picked the recording menu, that's where it just sits.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
The issue is when I try to watch live TV or if I go to the Recordings menu it just sits there with "Working" spinning in the corner.
Now, I thought it may be a problem with how the backend or server is set up but I do have a working frontend that's able to connect and watch recordings.
Here's my log with the top half removed. I started xbmc up at 10:24. At 10:24:55 I picked the recording menu, that's where it just sits.
10:24:19 T:6452 NOTICE: Running database version Addons15
10:24:19 T:6452 NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes4
10:24:19 T:6452 NOTICE: Running database version Textures13
10:24:19 T:6452 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic32
10:24:19 T:6452 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos75
10:24:19 T:6452 NOTICE: Running database version TV22
10:24:19 T:6452 NOTICE: Running database version Epg7
10:24:19 T:6452 NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer
10:24:19 T:6452 NOTICE: DONE initializing playlistplayer
10:24:19 T:7964 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
10:24:19 T:6452 NOTICE: initialize done
10:24:19 T:6452 NOTICE: Running the application...
10:24:19 T:3020 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
10:24:19 T:6452 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
10:24:19 T:7452 NOTICE: Thread CEventServer start, auto delete: false
10:24:19 T:7452 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
10:24:19 T:7452 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
10:24:19 T:5952 NOTICE: Thread CTCPServer start, auto delete: false
10:24:19 T:8916 NOTICE: Thread CRssReader start, auto delete: false
10:24:19 T:7964 NOTICE: EPG::CEpgContainer::Start - EPG thread started
10:24:19 T:7964 NOTICE: PVRManager - starting up
10:24:19 T:3356 NOTICE: Thread EPG updater start, auto delete: false
10:24:19 T:7816 NOTICE: Thread PVR manager start, auto delete: false
10:24:19 T:2524 NOTICE: Thread PVR add-on updater start, auto delete: false
10:24:19 T:2524 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV cmyth PVR Client: LibCMyth: (cmyth)cmyth_conn_connect: asked for version 8, got version 56
10:24:19 T:2524 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV cmyth PVR Client: LibCMyth: (cmyth)cmyth_conn_connect: asked for version 56, got version 56
10:24:19 T:2524 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV cmyth PVR Client: LibCMyth: (cmyth)cmyth_conn_connect: asked for version 8, got version 56
10:24:19 T:2524 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV cmyth PVR Client: LibCMyth: (cmyth)cmyth_conn_connect: asked for version 56, got version 56
10:24:20 T:7816 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV cmyth PVR Client: LibCMyth: (cmyth)cmyth_storagegroup_update_fileinfo: QUERY_SG_FILEQUERY failed(EMPTY LIST)
10:24:23 T:5404 ERROR: Previous line repeats 995 times.
10:24:23 T:5404 ERROR: AddOnLog: MythTV cmyth PVR Client: LibCMyth: (cmyth)__cmyth_rcv_old_int64: cmyth_rcv_u_long() failed (5)
10:24:23 T:3048 NOTICE: Thread PVR GUI info updater start, auto delete: false
10:24:55 T:6868 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
10:24:55 T:7968 NOTICE: Thread PVR Channel Window start, auto delete: false
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!