Default Webserver movie thumbnail issue
Hi Guys,

So I upgraded to Frodo from EDEn yesterday and after the upgrade completed Frodo ran the image database update, which completed successfully - all TV shows and Movies have proper cover art.

The issue I have though is that the in the movies section of the Default Webserver interface, most of the movies show thumbnail screenshots from the movies rather the cover art. Is there a cache or something in the webserver that needs to be purged to fix this?

This is on my main XBMC PC, the ATV2 box which was also upgraded does not have this issue.
The thumbnail caching was changed a bit between Eden and Frodo. You may be seeing an artifact of that.

You may want to use the AWXi web interface instead of the default webserver. It is an Add-On that has much more functionality than the default webserver.

From Main Window: System->Add-Ons->Get Add-ons-> Add-ons->Web interface->AWXi->Install

From Main Window: System->Services->Webserver. Change Web interface to AWXi.

I am an expert at acting like an expert ---- WC Fields.

XBMC Web Control Interface -
When I goto " System->Add-Ons->Get Add-ons-> Add-ons". there is nothing's just I missing something?
(2013-02-25, 16:27)maseline_98 Wrote: When I goto " System->Add-Ons->Get Add-ons-> Add-ons". there is nothing's just I missing something?
Navigate this same path, but when you get to " Add-ons", highlight this and open its context menu (keyboard "c" or right mouse click) and select "Force refresh". Wait a few minutes and recheck the repository to see if it's now populated.

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Default Webserver movie thumbnail issue0