Android Accessing SMB shares on a domain?
Hey guys,

I have been searching on the site for a little while, and on google, Im sure I am just wording my searches wrong or something, but I havent been able to find out an answer yet...

I have been an XBMC user for a while (on my windows HTPC) and I have never had an issue accessing shares on my server, but I just set up an O'Droid U2 running Android and I am not able to figure out how to access SMB shares on my server. I am able to click the browse button, I see the domain > PCs and server listed but when I attempt to drill down any further I get prompted for an ID and Password, I try an ID that has access with the correct password, check the box to remember path, click OK it brings me back to the logon screen. I have tried adding the domain name in front of the ID with both a \ and a /, I have added the domain name into the "workgroup" field in the system settings.

Is there a way to get XBMC on Android to connect to a SMB share on a domain?

what happens if you share a folder with "everyone" able to access?

everything is working now.... Yes the folder had read permissions for Everyone, but this was not the fix..... I forgot that for whatever reason my router needed to be the DHCP/WINs server on teh network vs allowing the server/DC to do it.... I had entered the IP address of the server in as the WINS host in XBMC, I changed it to the routers IP and everything is working now!

Thanks for your help!

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Accessing SMB shares on a domain?0