Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
[RELEASE] ISY Events and Browser for Insteon and X10 Home Automation Control
As of today, ISY Browser is released into the official repository and ISY Events should follow very shortly.

This addon allows XBMC to interface with an ISY-99 series home automation controller from Universal-Devices Inc. Devices and lights can be controlled directly form the browser interface or set to automatically perform an action when different XBMC events occur.

Currently, the following events are supported:
XBMC Starting
XBMC Quitting
Movie Playing
Movie Ended
Movie Paused
Movie Resumed
Music Playing
Music Ended
Music Paused
Music Resumed

I use this addon to dim the lights when a movies starts playing or is resumed and to turn the lights back up when a movie ends or is paused. The browser is also great for checking if you left the lights on downstairs at night.

Source is in the official repository:
ISY Browser is listed under Programs
ISY Events is listed under Services

Source and instructions can be found here:

Any feedback is appreciated.
Would this work for my setup (I use a Homeseer server with the insteon wall modem instead of an ISY)?
Unfortunately no. This requires an ISY controller. For someone with Homeseer and Python programming skills, the ISY Python module in the browser could probably be replaced with a Homeseer module. So, theoretically, it wouldn't be too hard to add the capability. Unfortunately, I don't have a Homeseer system to test it on.
What format should we put the device address as?


I came across your new add-on for ISY controllers and I was trying to check it out. There are a bunch of problems with setting up the add-on (labels not showing up, browser not actually browsing, etc.)

But the main problem I'm having is getting the device address setup correctly in ISY Events.

I know the address of my device. 1D.43.E1 or sometimes annotated 1D.43.E1 without the 1, but I can't seem to get the XBMC events to trigger based on any combination.

How does it need to be formatted in ISY events Device?
The address required by isy-events is not actually the Insteon device address. This can definitely be confusing. The address that goes there is the internal address that the ISY controller keeps. The easiest way to get this is through the Browser. Navigate to the node you want to be controlled. Open the context menu (by pressing C) and go to Show Info. The address listed here belongs in the ISY Events settings.

Setup instructions exist on the project page. Check these out for some more information.

EDIT: The issue of the missing labels in the browser has been fixed and an update is on it's way.

There is abut showing the info for a program from the browser. Fix will be available for Frodo shortly. I think I'll support Eden for one more release since Frodo is so new.
I will now have to get an ISY and connect it with my Homeseer. Can't wait to start trying out this addon
ISY is setup and connected with my Homeseer, can't wait to try this script out over the coming weekend. Will the following functions still work if I am using the Cinema Experience addon when playing back my movies:
XBMC Starting
XBMC Quitting
Movie Playing
Movie Ended
Movie Paused
Movie Resumed
Wow this looks awesome. i have ISY pro/IR and have been using my remote to run a scene, but this looks super cool. I'm going to give this a try tonight


tried this out the other day. Works awesome. Thanks a lot for writing this Big Grin
Thanks for the reports. based on this thread, i'm going to buy a ISY994i specifically to use with XBMC with the capability of automating the rest of the house.
(2013-02-25, 17:25)DigitalAnvil Wrote: ISY is setup and connected with my Homeseer, can't wait to try this script out over the coming weekend. Will the following functions still work if I am using the Cinema Experience addon when playing back my movies:
XBMC Starting
XBMC Quitting
Movie Playing
Movie Ended
Movie Paused
Movie Resumed

I do not use the Cinema Experience addon, but I see no reason why it shouldn't work with it. The ISY Events addon specifically handles all the automatic triggering and it does it through native XBMC calls.

Thanks everyone for the support. It's good to see that people are finding use out of this. I have FINALLY finished the next set of updates to fix a lot of the stability issues that have been cropping up. Sorry this took so long. I'll be submitting version 0.2.0 to the XBMC repository tonight and it will hopefully be out within a week. If anyone experiences any bugs or has any feature requests, please post them on the Google Project page. Also, please, please, PLEASE post your XBMC log when you do this. Remove any passwords that may appear. It can be difficult to diagnose issues without these logs.

isy-events - Google Project Page
Hi rmk1139,

I've noticed some weird things going on when playing a bluray iso or dvd. The lights will turn on and off in like 5 second intervals. This only happens when playing iso's or dvd's. Works great with mkv's. I'm not sure if XBMC is firing off random events only when those media is being used. Let me know what you need to troubleshoot.

This has been working great otherwise.

Thanks for making this.

Thanks for the feedback, I've opened a bug report about this issue. Could you please upload an XBMC log file there? I will try to replicate this issue on my end today.

Bug Report
Yeah, sorry about not attaching one. I tried to remote in from work to repro it, xbmc was working really slow over the connection. I'll do it when I get home.


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[RELEASE] ISY Events and Browser for Insteon and X10 Home Automation Control1