Android Can Android XBMC be used as a remote for a HTPC?

I have searched and searched without finding any thread regarding this.
I know I have read it somewhere but I can't bring myself to remember it....Huh

What I basically want to do is to use an Android version of XBMC on my Nexus 7 and use it as a "remote" for the XBMC i have on my HTPC.
Sort of a mirroring of the screen on my tablet.
In short, use XBMC on my tablet for interfacing (remote) and using the HTPC to play the files.

Obviously there is the Official XBMC Android remote, but this will be somewhat possible in the future from XBMC itself. Basically there will be a "Play to" feature that uses UPnP/DLNA that will allow one XBMC instance to send video to another XBMC instance (or any other UPnP/DLNA target) and have the first XBCM instance control playback. Should hopefully be ready for v13 (Gotham).
Great to hear.
Yeah I know about the usual remote but I think that works best on the phone. On tablets I think you should make better use of the large area and a great way would be if you screen (tv or projector) mimics the screen you have on your tablet. Sort of a slave to the tablet interface wise. You could have a very basic and not very powerful tablet since it's only used for the interface while the playing of the file will be taken care of by the HTPC.

But anyway, I'm almost certain I have seen somewhere where the control you described was already done. Have this been included on any of the nightly builds?
yep this was aded a couple of days ago to the nightlies by utilising upnp/remote upnp players. Both xbmc instances need to use the nightly build and in the upnp settings there is a new option which has to be activated (something like "scan for upnp players").
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
Yes! Big Grin

Does the nightlies apply the same changes? (Win, iOS, Android and so on....)
I think I must take it for a test spin then....
(2013-02-05, 14:40)Memphiz Wrote: yep this was aded a couple of days ago to the nightlies by utilising upnp/remote upnp players. Both xbmc instances need to use the nightly build and in the upnp settings there is a new option which has to be activated (something like "scan for upnp players").

Sure both need to be on nightly build? I tested nightly with UPnP control on my MBP to Frodo RC3 OpenELEC and to Frodo final on iOS, and it worked for both :D
Well it didn't work for me with an outdated server (he wasn't visible to the client).
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)

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Can Android XBMC be used as a remote for a HTPC?0