2013-02-03, 04:49
Does anyone have a easy to read article or post that explains aStep by step setup for xbmcbuntu and mythtv backend?
(2013-02-04, 00:00)buddylee7 Wrote: Thanks for the quick response. I currently have xbmcbuntu setup and running but I will go through the mythbuntu install first and then install xbmc via your steps per above. Do you have any recommendations setting up mythtv with a hdhomerun prime by chance?
(2013-02-03, 23:44)djroketboy Wrote: I don't have a step by step, but I can try and help you.
First I would grab Mythbuntu and install it on a dedicated Machine.
Configure Myth. Use Mythfrontend (comes with it) to test and make sure everything is working the way you want. Mainly make sure that your tuners are working, and you have the channels you want. There are a 238490238490823904823 settings on Mythbackend, and the Myth Wiki isn't always up to date, so searching Google or the MythTV users archive is a good way to figure out what settings do. http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/
Subscribe to MythTV Users mailing list to ask your questions about getting MythTV working. http://www.mythtv.org/mailman/listinfo/mythtv-users/
Do not ask about setting up XBMC, you can do that here.
When setting up Mythbackend, make sure you use IP's and NOT localhost, using localhost will make it so you can't connect any remote front ends if you ever want to. I use static DHCP reservations, but using static IP's will work as well. Whichever is more comfortable, or easy for you. Its been a while, but I also think there is a setting
Next install add the XBMC repo. "sudo apt-add-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa"
Then "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xbmc xbmc-bin xbmc-pvr-mythtv-cmyth"
Start up XBMC, go to System --> Add-ons --> Disabled Add-ons" --> PVR Clients
Select the Myth plugin, install it, configure it (the password is on the General Screen in Mythbackend)
Then enable it, go back to System --> LiveTV and enable it.
I've done most of this from memory, if you get stuck, just post here, and i'll do my best.
(2013-02-13, 19:28)efolse Wrote: One last thing you need to mention, go to the mybuntu control center under the system tab of the menu. When there click on mysql on the right hand side and click on enable mysql serve via Ethernet. This allows the xbmc to be on another computer. It took me 3-4 days to set up a mythtv 6 years ago, now, about an hour. But, I am new to XBMC
(2013-02-04, 00:11)djroketboy Wrote: [quote='buddylee7' pid='1322750' dateline='1359928851']actually you can do more virtual tuners than that. Mine is set at 5 per real tuner, a total of 10 for the hdhr box.
I have both a HDHR-US (ATSC) and a HDHR3-CC (Prime)
They are both extremely easy to set up as there are defaults in Myth for them. The only thing that isn't listed is the multiplexing. HDHR-US can multiplex 2 extra tuners (so it looks like 4 separate tuners, you have 2 physical, 2 virtual). Myth knows how to configure them, so just add your tuners, and it will be good.
(2013-02-10, 23:12)djroketboy Wrote: First, you want to go to your autostart directory.
cd $HOME/.config/autostart
Then, create a link to /usr/share/applications/xbmc.desktop
ln -s /usr/share/applications/xbmc.desktop xbmc.desktop
You might need to log out of your current X session, and chose "XBMC" as the default login.