2013-02-22, 09:09
(2013-01-22, 17:35)davilla Wrote: see CAMLCodec:rocess
get_pts_video returns the pts of the last video frame that was presented by hw decoder
GetPlayerPtsSeconds returns the pts of dvdplayer according to the audio clock
SetVideoPtsSeconds is where we tell the hw video decoder to adjust its presentation pts to match dvdplayer.
hi, davilla. For our hw device, I can set the video pts to hw decoder by some interface when I send video data to hw decoder.
I got the pts from the argument of function Decode(unsigned char *pData, size_t size, double dts, double pts), and the pts is here http://pastebin.ca/2316591 . I use this pts and cannot synchronize video and audio sucessfully.
If I use GetPlayerPtsSeconds to get the pts, the pts is here http://pastebin.ca/2316592 . There are so many zeros in the list, so I don't know how to use it.
So I am not very clear which pts is right for me to use, and could you please help to give me some suggestions?