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[released] Official XBMC Remote for iOS
Ah nice! Thank you Tolriq, didn't notice that command!
@regi100, XBMC application toggle full screen will be included in the next release by long pressing the button you have marked!!
Yah! ..thank you both so much!
(2013-01-14, 12:38)joethefox Wrote: @kromix, thank you. Offline Caching of Libraries isn't an easy task and has a low priority, but at the moment I haven't an internal db where the items are stored, everything is on demand to leave the things simple. But for the future could be a nice feature. Thank you for your support!

Local caching would be great to avoid having to wait each time the app to reload a page with all content already loaded before...
Maybe not a persistant cache... but at least a cache in memory
@jc999, yeah there is room for improvements. What is already cached are all the images received from XBMC.
I have noticed that the posters show up slower now that I have moved from Eden to Frodo. Local caching doesn't seem to be done anymore...
Can I get a copy to a beta version? Or the files necessary to enable 10 minute skips by pressing the arrow button? I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
@FCCWizard, strange the code should be the same. You can quantify the slowest?
@mkvelidadon, sure you can, here the source code: https://github.com/joethefox/Unofficial-...BMC-Remote
@joethefox: While paging down a list of movies (with posters), you can now see each poster individually populate. With Eden, the population was very fast. When you page up over the list of movies previously listed, the same slow population of the posters. When you fetch a poster from XBMC, does it get resized on the XBMC PC and then transmitted to the IOS device, or is it sent full size and you resize it on the IOS device? Frodo changed how images like posters are dealt with. In any case, not a huge deal...
(2013-03-04, 12:06)joethefox Wrote: @steve1977, are you on OSX? which XBMC version? The number of movies isn't the issue.

Yes, XBMC Frodo is running on OSX (x86). It is weird that recently added movies show up and "now playing" also works, but the movie library shows 0 movies.
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HTPC 1: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 2: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 3: Raspberry Pi
@steve1977, the issue is that there are some movies that contain ill-formed Unicode strings and this invalidates all the JOSN response. Seems to be an OSX XBMC fault. In recently added movies there isn't the movie/s that is causing the ill-formed unicode. In the next version the app will accept JSON answers that contain even ill-formed Unicode strings.
As a side effect you'll could notice the absence of the thumbnail for some movies (the ones with the ill-formed Unicode).
a new 1.2.3 version has been submitted to apple with this change log:
- German translation support (thanks to Gerd Flender)
- Italian translation support
- Use app localisation for wikipedia searches
- Added system option to show all files type during files browsing
- Remote control: long press fullscreen button to toggle XBMC application full screen
- Remote control: fixed small/big step forward/backward with directional arrows/gesture and XBMC Frodo
- Only for Frodo: TV shows supports both banners and posters
- Fixed keyboard that adds a space at the beginning of typing with XBMC Frodo
- Fixed library with no items found under certain circumstances with OSX XBMC Frodo
Hi there, first post here & need to say what a great app this is! I'm using openelec Frodo rc on a fusion box and an iPad for remote - a great combination.

I too have a problem with the movie posters. It only seemed to start when I used the xbmc artwork downloader and enabled the downloading of movie banners. Since then I seem to get the banner artwork on the iPad rather than the poster. Not sure how to 100% check this as I can't seem to find where the banners are stored to delete them.

For me the two biggest usability changes I would like to request are :

- Sort to follow the 'ignore articles setting' - this works fine on the screen but on the iPad I get a lot of movies starting with 'The'
- Bigger navigation buttons at the bottom. They look great but my big fingers seem to get the wrong ones quite often

Thanks for the great work!
@ SJHxbmc, thank you. The movie banners issue has been also fixed in version 1.2.3 https://github.com/joethefox/Unofficial-...fc0b120b64
Regarding the two points:
- ignore article: it isn't an easy task due the fact even if the app ask the movies list with the ignore articles on, when the app have to put the movies in letters sections, I loose the ignore article sort. The only solution I see is to replicate the logic for ignore articles inside the app.
- eheh, I'll see if it can be enlarged Smile
Really enjoying this app, working flawless for me so far, 2 questions though, is there an auto keyboard feature like constellation?

Also when i use youtube from xbmc app when i search nothing happens? I have to manually go to keyboard and type in my search, then hit back a few time to see the results.

In constellation when you do a youtube search the keyboard pops up, and text appears on the phone along with the results, is this possible or will be possible in the future? Right now i have to manually navigate to the keyboard, the text only appears on screen, then you have to go back a few times to see the results...

Otherwise really enjoy the app its flawless beyond these two issues.
@ Ghostdivision, check if you are on XBMC Frodo and you have enable "Allow programs on other systems to control XBMC" under System > Settings > Services > Remote Control. If enabled, the keyboard will automatic popup in the app everytime there is a text input request.
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[released] Official XBMC Remote for iOS8