Rom Collection Browser
Does anybody have any experience configuring the Rom Collection Browser script to work on android, or know if its even possible? Android doesnt just have executables you can point to in the file system so im not sure what to do.
I just received some logs from a user who tried to get this working and it seems that there are some issues with scanning games on Android. I installed XBMC on my phone today and will start to play with it in the next days/weeks.
(2013-02-27, 11:26)malte Wrote: I just received some logs from a user who tried to get this working and it seems that there are some issues with scanning games on Android. I installed XBMC on my phone today and will start to play with it in the next days/weeks.

if I could help you in anyway I've been trying to get it to work on my mk808b TV stick past few days, glad I saw this now I can stop lol, thought it was something I
was doing, anyway if I can help you out any I'd be happy to supply logs/logcat if you need reproductions. also if it helps - you may run into this the emulator apps can't be pointed
too from RCB because the /data won't open because it's a link, a workaround I've used was to move them to sdcard with titanium backup and then I could point to /mnt/asec/n64oid/pkg.apk

I'm pretty up on android stuff but know nothing of python but I'd be willing to help if I can.
The current problem occurs when RCB tries to walk down the rom directories and starts collecting the files that it should import to its database. A typical log on Android looks like this:

22:04:23 T:1958934152  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: /storage/sdcard0/external_sdcard/Roms/testrom
22:04:23 T:1958934152  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: basename: *.smc
22:04:23 T:1958934152  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: checking sub directories
22:04:23 T:1874704192   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogProgress.xml) ------
It just stops scanning without any error messages. No idea what may cause this error. I have to set up kind of a test environment to dig into this.
Ok, I made a little progress. With version 2.0.5 it is possible to import games. But I did not yet found the time to check the launching games part.
(2013-03-29, 09:27)malte Wrote: Ok, I made a little progress. With version 2.0.5 it is possible to import games. But I did not yet found the time to check the launching games part.

hopefully that should help? I would assume if you modify your a bit it should work just fine, "am start com.androidemu.nes" for example would run nes emulator from android command line.
I guess either someone figured out how to launch apps or its built into python, all my apsp showup as sources if I load androidapp://sources/apps// into file manager.

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