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The weather widget in the upper left when enabled breaks the addon Easynews and prevents it from displaying search results. If I disable the widget Easynews works again. Apparently the 2 clash. lol
I tried this before and it didn't work, so i thought it was impossible to add folders to fav.
But after reading the 2 posts i tried again, no luck, impossible to add folder in custom menu but with files neither!!!
So i thought it was a favourite sript error, tried to reinstall it, no luck, then i found the 4.0.9 and after installing it manually (not from XBMC), it finally worked. Blush
Thanks a lot for your help.
And again, your skin is awesome. Blush

(2013-03-08, 22:19)lobsta Wrote: The weather widget in the upper left when enabled breaks the addon Easynews and prevents it from displaying search results. If I disable the widget Easynews works again. Apparently the 2 clash. lol

The weather widget in the top left corner is a standard feature of the stock Confluence skin so wouldn't this suggest Easynews should be fixed, unless not working with Confluence is a known/acceptable issue for the Easynews developer.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
(2013-02-27, 10:17)toiva Wrote: Open IncludesBackgroundBuilding.xml and change the aspect ratio setting to "keep"

PHP Code:
<control type="multiimage">
imagepath fallback="special://skin/backgrounds/music.jpg" background="true">$INFO[Skin.String(HomeMusicBG)]</imagepath>
visible>[Container.Content(musicvideos) | SubString(Container.FolderPath,library://video/musicvideos,left) | SubString(Container.FolderPath,videodb://3/,left)]</visible>

This fix doesn't seem to be working. I tried doing it also for the second entry where "special://skin/backgrounds/music.jpg" is present but that also didn't work. Any other thoughts?
That's the background code for music videos. When you select backgrounds for music it will also be used for music videos.

There's a second multi image control further down which is only for music, starting from <include name="CommonMusicBackground">.
Having trouble getting the skin to install on my ATV2 (running frodo). I get a message that say install failed. Here are my logs:

crash reporter


Any help would be much appreciated!
(2013-03-09, 19:00)toiva Wrote: That's the background code for music videos. When you select backgrounds for music it will also be used for music videos.

There's a second multi image control further down which is only for music, starting from <include name="CommonMusicBackground">.
Sorry to be a pain but it's only working when I drill into the music window. The home window is still blowing the image up.
Do I need to change it also somewhere else to get the home window multiimage sorted?
That is under <include name="CommonHomeBackground">.

I cannot change the default aspect ratio to "keep" since it would mess up the 16:9 backgrounds for non-16:9 resolutions.
(2013-03-06, 20:40)Smith Online Wrote: Hi,

Firstly Thanks your skin is awesome @toiva

I use on many of my devices

I was wondering if you could help with the one device i carnt use this skin on
I have posted here regarding it

Thanks in advance

Smith Online

Are the scripts not compatible with the Xbox? If they aren't, open addon.xml and remove these lines:

<import addon="script.artwork.downloader" version="12.0.6"/>
<import addon="script.favourites" version="4.0.1"/>
<import addon="service.skin.widgets" version="0.0.14"/>
<import addon="script.randomandlastitems" version="2.0.3"/>

Then copy the skin to the Xbox and see if it works. You will keep the background customiser, and the main menu button customization options for the most part. Only thing you'll lose is the ability to use a favourite as a main menu button.

This is a 100% guess what might help, or might not.
(2013-03-10, 09:41)toiva Wrote: That is under <include name="CommonHomeBackground">.

I cannot change the default aspect ratio to "keep" since it would mess up the 16:9 backgrounds for non-16:9 resolutions.

Perfect, thanks for letting me know. I changed it anyway since any of the other multimage files I'll use will be 1280x720 so they won't be skewed.
Okay I think I buggered my system by selecting the playlist to load at startup. The home screen is no longer coming up and all I have is the time showing.

Is there any way to manually either
a) remove the playlist from the settings, or
b) push the skin back to base Confluence skin?

Just an aside for the "load playlist at startup option" does it do this as one of the first steps before securing network connections? This might be causing me the problem as all of my tracks are on my NAS.
Both can be done by editing guisettings.xml in the userdata. Exit XBMC, open the file, search for the playlist name, erase it, save, and relaunch.
Hmm, I might have fixed it for now. Edited the startup.xml file to remove this:

Is there something it should be when no playlist is selected?

Edit: whoops, didn't see your last post :\
hmm ActivateWindow(favourites) maping to a key is not what i plan do do.

need to show in a list. so it have scrollbars to navigate faster.
would be nice to have the favorit-star near botom too. And same thing whit right slide out.

But a addidional -FAVORITES AS LIST- VIEW- ,backgounded whit your wonderfull favor.backgroud on Home would be great Smile

a bit difficult to explain, hope you can follow ..
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