2013-03-08, 22:19
The weather widget in the upper left when enabled breaks the addon Easynews and prevents it from displaying search results. If I disable the widget Easynews works again. Apparently the 2 clash. lol
(2013-03-08, 22:19)lobsta Wrote: The weather widget in the upper left when enabled breaks the addon Easynews and prevents it from displaying search results. If I disable the widget Easynews works again. Apparently the 2 clash. lol
(2013-02-27, 10:17)toiva Wrote: Open IncludesBackgroundBuilding.xml and change the aspect ratio setting to "keep"
PHP Code:<control type="multiimage">
<imagepath fallback="special://skin/backgrounds/music.jpg" background="true">$INFO[Skin.String(HomeMusicBG)]</imagepath>
<visible>[Container.Content(musicvideos) | SubString(Container.FolderPath,library://video/musicvideos,left) | SubString(Container.FolderPath,videodb://3/,left)]</visible>
(2013-03-09, 19:00)toiva Wrote: That's the background code for music videos. When you select backgrounds for music it will also be used for music videos.Sorry to be a pain but it's only working when I drill into the music window. The home window is still blowing the image up.
There's a second multi image control further down which is only for music, starting from <include name="CommonMusicBackground">.
(2013-03-06, 20:40)Smith Online Wrote: Hi,
Firstly Thanks your skin is awesome @toiva
I use on many of my devices
I was wondering if you could help with the one device i carnt use this skin on
I have posted here regarding it
Thanks in advance
Smith Online
(2013-03-10, 09:41)toiva Wrote: That is under <include name="CommonHomeBackground">.
I cannot change the default aspect ratio to "keep" since it would mess up the 16:9 backgrounds for non-16:9 resolutions.