2013-03-15, 09:03
Is there a way to change the font color or modify in the episode index page in particular the word episode 1: and so on. I've been getting complaints that its to confusing to read the episode title.
(2013-02-28, 22:20)fouad796 Wrote: Just wanted to say this is the best skin formated for tv display a big thanks for the hard working. Just one addition would it be possible to add addons shortcut in the home screen .where its says random items or recent played etc...Use 'Custom Items' and add what you want.
(2013-03-04, 20:54)tennisbgc Wrote: Can you add the season number to the tv show episode names, I like to flatten all my shows and when doing that its difficult to tell what season I'm on. Also can you add an option to be able to disable recently added tv shows/movies cause I really dont like how the tv shows look on the homepage (episode image instead of poster art).I'll change it to SxE for next release.
(2013-03-04, 21:51)tennisbgc Wrote: another issue I've noticed is clicking on the read more button during playback doesn't do anything but the info key does. Also when you click the info key during playback can the info take up less of the screen?Fixed for next release.
(2013-03-06, 21:01)tennisbgc Wrote: thanks, also I noticed if I goto videos and then files it takes me to my scraped library but if I go to videos and then library I can go the actual files and any sources I have added.Works fine for me and no-one else has ever reported it not working correctly. Got any screenshots?
(2013-03-12, 23:51)fouad796 Wrote: Any way to autohide the top bar where the clock is when entrering into an addon ?Hides for me. Screenshot?
(2013-03-14, 08:23)loggio Wrote: 1. Main menu recent items:I'll add an option for thumbs.
why does it show the tv show cover art and not the episode thumbnail?
I just added a heap of Simpsons episodes and there are 5 repeated Simpsons posters... They will remain like that for as long as I decide to add a different show, which is not often. Looks silly, and have already had 3 people ask me why there's heaps of the same picture on the home screen.
(2013-03-14, 08:23)loggio Wrote: 2. Main menu:Not possible as they're part of the same window. It's just like you moving right to the Options menu and expecting 'back' to take you left to the list.
I have selected to use Alyernate home menu, as I do not like the menu to be hidden. This is cool. However, I've had an earful from the mrs. and also my old man, because when they click 'videos' it changes to the video menu, but when they push 'back' on the remote nothing happens... They never figure out that you have to push 'left' .... Which I must admit, is quite silly... Considering the back button seems to work on every other menu system in your skin. This makes it non consistent and an annoyance to have to get use to. Can this be fixed by allowing 'back/backspace' to actually go back, instead of doing nothing?
(2013-03-14, 08:23)loggio Wrote: 3. Live Tv Timeline:No other way around this unless you think scrolling all the way right through the timeline is a better way of accessing the menu!
Scrolling the timeline works, but when you get to the bottom of the list, instead of taking you back to the top of the list, it takes you to the right hand side 'view' menu. Same happens when scrolling right to the top of the timeline. Obviously something that just needs some tinkering.
(2013-03-14, 08:23)loggio Wrote: 4. Scroll Bar:I'll change the colours so it's more obvious.
I think the scroll bar is way too small when you have a lot of titles in your library...And seems inverted when selected. Moving right to select the scroll bar turns it dark, making it even harder to see then it already is, therefore you have a hard time figuring out what you've actually selected when you push 'right' to try and move over to the views menu. I think making it bigger, or having the background strip light up with a white border when selected would be more intuitive for the users navigation experience. You can quite quickly lose your bearings when moving right to change the view etc.
(2013-03-17, 17:05)da-anda Wrote: Hey Hitcher, I just installed XBMC with XEEBO on a friends laptop and gave him a quick tour. Showing him some addons he said "oh, I want that on the homescreen for quick access". As it was some file/stream deep nested in an addon. So I quickly added it to favorites and thought "POC, just switch one of the 4 rows on the homescreen to favorites and you're done". But that's unfortunately not possible. I then solved it by picking custom items from my favorites, but it would be cool to be able to directly have "favorites" as an option for the homescreen rows. Is this possible?
(2013-03-14, 08:23)loggio Wrote: 3. Live Tv Timeline:No other way around this unless you think scrolling all the way right through the timeline is a better way of accessing the menu!
Scrolling the timeline works, but when you get to the bottom of the list, instead of taking you back to the top of the list, it takes you to the right hand side 'view' menu. Same happens when scrolling right to the top of the timeline. Obviously something that just needs some tinkering.
(2013-03-17, 21:03)loggio Wrote: Perhaps, is it possible to have it not immediately jump to view settings when you hold down the up/down keys to scroll quickly to the top/bottom of the list? Instead have it so that when you get to the top/bottom of the timeline when holding down the up/down buttons it stops, and you then have to let go and push up/down a separate time to jump to views menu?I can see the problem but it's not skin related.
This would stop it jumping from timeline to views menu, then scrolling though the view list at 100 miles an hour changing the screen around.
(2013-03-17, 21:03)loggio Wrote: Also, in the views menu in live tv, you're missing the recordings tab. Its in the main menu, but not in live tv views menu.It's not meant to be in the options menu.
(2013-03-17, 11:56)Hitcher Wrote:]thanks for the update. would it be possible to make the SxE a different font color than the episode title maybe a lighter font similar to the date font on the upper right corner, I find that it's hard to distinguish it from the episode name especially if the episode name starts with a number.(2013-02-28, 22:20)fouad796 Wrote: Just wanted to say this is the best skin formated for tv display a big thanks for the hard working. Just one addition would it be possible to add addons shortcut in the home screen .where its says random items or recent played etc...Use 'Custom Items' and add what you want.
(2013-03-04, 20:54)tennisbgc Wrote: Can you add the season number to the tv show episode names, I like to flatten all my shows and when doing that its difficult to tell what season I'm on. Also can you add an option to be able to disable recently added tv shows/movies cause I really dont like how the tv shows look on the homepage (episode image instead of poster art).I'll change it to SxE for next release.
(2013-03-04, 21:51)tennisbgc Wrote: another issue I've noticed is clicking on the read more button during playback doesn't do anything but the info key does. Also when you click the info key during playback can the info take up less of the screen?Fixed for next release.
(2013-03-06, 21:01)tennisbgc Wrote: thanks, also I noticed if I goto videos and then files it takes me to my scraped library but if I go to videos and then library I can go the actual files and any sources I have added.Works fine for me and no-one else has ever reported it not working correctly. Got any screenshots?
(2013-03-12, 23:51)fouad796 Wrote: Any way to autohide the top bar where the clock is when entrering into an addon ?Hides for me. Screenshot?
(2013-03-14, 08:23)loggio Wrote: 1. Main menu recent items:I'll add an option for thumbs.
why does it show the tv show cover art and not the episode thumbnail?
I just added a heap of Simpsons episodes and there are 5 repeated Simpsons posters... They will remain like that for as long as I decide to add a different show, which is not often. Looks silly, and have already had 3 people ask me why there's heaps of the same picture on the home screen.
(2013-03-14, 08:23)loggio Wrote: 2. Main menu:Not possible as they're part of the same window. It's just like you moving right to the Options menu and expecting 'back' to take you left to the list.
I have selected to use Alyernate home menu, as I do not like the menu to be hidden. This is cool. However, I've had an earful from the mrs. and also my old man, because when they click 'videos' it changes to the video menu, but when they push 'back' on the remote nothing happens... They never figure out that you have to push 'left' .... Which I must admit, is quite silly... Considering the back button seems to work on every other menu system in your skin. This makes it non consistent and an annoyance to have to get use to. Can this be fixed by allowing 'back/backspace' to actually go back, instead of doing nothing?
(2013-03-14, 08:23)loggio Wrote: 3. Live Tv Timeline:No other way around this unless you think scrolling all the way right through the timeline is a better way of accessing the menu!
Scrolling the timeline works, but when you get to the bottom of the list, instead of taking you back to the top of the list, it takes you to the right hand side 'view' menu. Same happens when scrolling right to the top of the timeline. Obviously something that just needs some tinkering.
(2013-03-14, 08:23)loggio Wrote: 4. Scroll Bar:I'll change the colours so it's more obvious.
I think the scroll bar is way too small when you have a lot of titles in your library...And seems inverted when selected. Moving right to select the scroll bar turns it dark, making it even harder to see then it already is, therefore you have a hard time figuring out what you've actually selected when you push 'right' to try and move over to the views menu. I think making it bigger, or having the background strip light up with a white border when selected would be more intuitive for the users navigation experience. You can quite quickly lose your bearings when moving right to change the view etc.
(2013-03-18, 11:23)Hitcher Wrote: I've changed it for next release but you'll have to wait about a week before I can push the update.Awesome job plus now it looks more consistant with everything else. I understand about the file menu issue but would it be possible when your on the side menu for there to be a full scroll ex. scrolling past the last item takes you to the top or was this intentional this also happens in the menu when adding sources. Also I unchecked :use poster instead of thumb" but I'm still getting posters for resently added tv shows. Again nice job much appreciated.
Alternatively you can download it direct - https://dl.dropbox.com/u/19745842/skin.xeebo.zip
Videos > Files always goes to your actual sources
Videos > Library always goes to the video root (which includes Files as one of it's items)
It's the exact same behaviour as Confluence.