Android smb - file is no longer available
Hi, I've just updated my two computers with the xbmc 12, and it's running very well.
But when I tried to get my Nexus 7 up and running on xbmc it won't play any files, I just get the following message: "The file is no longer available"

My setup is as following:
mysql server connection and

    <default pathversion="1"></default>
        <path pathversion="1">smb://user:pass@NAS/movie/</path>
        <path pathversion="1">smb://user:pass@NAS/series/</path>

Everthing looks fine and the thumbnails is loading and all that. Could it be the smb connection?
I've enabled debugging but I haven't managed to find any log (/data/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/cache/temp/xbmc.log)

I hope someone can lead me in the right direction, thanks in advance.
Do you have a passwords.xml file in the userdata folder on the PCs? If so, you might need to copy that xml file to the Nexus 7.
Also may be worth a try to specify the IP address of your NAS instead: smb://user:[email protected]/movie/
Hi again,
I've changed the whole database from using network name to IP (should be a better solution anyhow)
And I've tried using the password.xml and even removed the access restriction entirely but still no luck.

An example to a path could be: smb://

My smb.conf is default:
preferred master = no
local master = no
domain master = no
client kanman auth = yes
I'd love to prove some kind of log, but I've looked everywhere, and can't find the log on my device
I have exactly the same problem on my Android after installing FRODO. All fanart/thumbnails etc are there the library entries are all correct but I get the "The file is no longer available" message on all movies. TV shows play fine.

This is the same problem as on my ATV2 install of FRODO my Ubuntu and XBMCbuntu clients work perfectly. All use exactly the same xml files.

Any help appreciated as both my ATC2 and Android are useless.

6 x Raspberry Pi Model B & B+ Pi2 & 3 Zotac Mag Ubuntu 14.04.1 - Ubuntu 14.04.1 Test Machine Kodi Nightly - RocketNAS 8TB Usable Raid 6 Ubuntu 14.04.1 RocketNAS Build
FIXED on both my android and ATV2 devices by copying the passwords.xml from my ubuntu FRODO install.

everything plays perfectly.

Awesome. Example file content below.

<from pathversion="1">smb://YOURSERVERNAME/SHARENAME</from>
<to pathversion="1">smb:/username:password@YOURSERVERNAME/SHARENAME</to>
<from pathversion="1">smb://YOURSERVERNAME/SHARENAME</from>
<to pathversion="1">smb:/username:password@YOURSERVERNAME/SHARENAME</to>

6 x Raspberry Pi Model B & B+ Pi2 & 3 Zotac Mag Ubuntu 14.04.1 - Ubuntu 14.04.1 Test Machine Kodi Nightly - RocketNAS 8TB Usable Raid 6 Ubuntu 14.04.1 RocketNAS Build
My files look as following, what have you done differently

advancedsettings.xml (placed on each client)
            <to>smb://user:[email protected]/xbmc/userdata/sources.xml</to>
            <to>smb://user:[email protected]/xbmc/userdata/playlists/</to>

sources.xml (placed on a central share)
        <default pathversion="1"></default>
        <default pathversion="1"></default>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://</path>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://</path>
        <default pathversion="1"></default>
            <path pathversion="1">smb://</path>
        <default pathversion="1"></default>
        <default pathversion="1"></default>

password.xml (placed on each client)
        <from pathversion="1">smb://</from>
        <to pathversion="1">smb://user:[email protected]/movie/</to>
        <from pathversion="1">smb://</from>
        <to pathversion="1">smb://user:[email protected]/series/</to>
        <from pathversion="1">smb://</from>
        <to pathversion="1">smb://user:[email protected]/music/</to>
When i try to browse the source I get this error: "Operation not permitted" ..when I click my other computer smb share I get promptet for password. so the problem might be on my Synology NAS smb share
Finally got it to work.
I cleared my library, reinstalled xbmc on my Nexus 7 and added all the files from there. When it was done scraping I copied the files to my windows/android machines and now it all works flawlessly.

The only real difference I can find is that I'm using Network name instead of IP and you have to enable guest account on the Synology NAS

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