2013-04-05, 20:02
Ok, but what i need is this to get automatically done. If tvdb and tvrage don't have enough info, where do you guy get the info?
(2013-04-08, 19:43)dr4g0nsr Wrote: exoscoriae, thnx for help, but i really need automatic scrapper to test mu code.
Deano316, some part of my code is translating air date to season and episode and that works great so far.
(2013-04-08, 20:08)dr4g0nsr Wrote: themoviedb looks really nice, but i would like to see more generic plot so you could separate matches and somehow mark some events like tag team, this could not only bring cleaner list but it's also possible to process that data leading, for example, to possibility to see all John Cena matches. Time marking would be a plus..Guess i want too much, heh?
(2013-04-09, 19:56)exoscoriae Wrote: This is interesting work and all guys, but it doesn't change the fact that the plots/synopsis on thetvdb are total crap for those older ppv's. They are formatted in properly, have extra characters, tons of misspellings, and often they just cut off. So for this to work, all the older ppv's would have to be added to a new source, such as the moviedb, and fixed as well.
I know that speaking for myself, i would not want my plot area muddled up with a bunch of time signatures. It is messy looking.
Anyways, this scraping aside, did you ever make any progress on getting ppv's to display properly Deano316? Last thing I remember was you were adding them as tv shows, but actually browsing them through file mode. Is that still the way of things? Assuming it is, I'm guessing that means thumbs still don't work (not a huge deal, just curious).
(2013-04-09, 19:56)dr4g0nsr Wrote: I would not use real names of WWE Superstars. It's like revealing superhero identity hahahaAnyway, that could make search a mess, as you already suggested.
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