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Re-Organising Main Menu Items
Hi All

Really like this skin but the one thing that's driving me nuts is not being able to re-organise the main menu items. I understand that MQ doesn't want to add this feature in as it may slow the performance of the skin which is fine, but what would be good if someone could tell me how to do it manually through editing of the VIP menu?

As always any help on this subject would be great and then I could put together a process for others to follow


Hi SouthMark,

From what I understood of the IncludesVIPMenu.xml file, it's divided in two sections :

- the first section is the main menu of XBMC
- the second section is the menu used in the "Customize menu" part of the settings

You can reorder both sections apparently, by moving any item element of the XML file in the corresponding section of the menu. For example, you can move the movies section by moving this part of the code :

<item id="1"><!-- Filmes -->
    <label fallback="31003">$INFO[skin.string(movies.label)]</label>
    <label2 fallback="31097">$VAR[value_librarymovies]</label2>
    <icon fallback="special://skin/backgrounds/movies.jpg">$VAR[value_mainmenubg_movies]</icon>
    <onclick condition="Library.HasContent(Movies) + !Skin.HasSetting(menumovies_sets)">ActivateWindow(videos,movietitles,return)</onclick>
    <onclick condition="Library.HasContent(MovieSets) + Skin.HasSetting(menumovies_sets)">ActivateWindow(videos,moviesets,return)</onclick>
    <onclick condition="!Library.HasContent(Movies)">ActivateWindow(videos,files)</onclick>
    <onclick condition="!Library.HasContent(Movies)">Notification($LOCALIZE[31586],$LOCALIZE[31587]: [UPPERCASE]$LOCALIZE[999][/UPPERCASE])</onclick>

(this is the main menu element) to another location in the main menu part. For a more coherent result, don't forget to move the counterpart in the other menu to the same position.

By the way, I think that if you update the skin, you will lose your changes as the files would be overwriten, so it's a temporary fix Wink
Hi Pouple

Do you have to change the IDs also? as the only items I want to move around are the custom menu items


No, you don't have to modify the IDs. For what I understand, the list is read in order, so only the order of the items will matter.
Cheers Pouple will give it a go and see if it works


Hi Pouple

Worked a treat! That's been annoying me for ages, and now I have the perfect skin! Smile

Thanks again


@SouthMark :

Glad I could help Wink


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