(2013-04-09, 04:53)garbear Wrote: Glad it worked out. Speaking of pollish, if you see any room for improvements, especially in the general setup experience, feel free to post ideas here!
Well, if I can say this without offending anyone--maybe Rom Collection Browser shouldn't even be packaged with this until either it is more integrated with the system or a 'default' configuration is already available that allows it to run on par in the Library like scraping and adding TV shows does or Movies does?
Using the default skin (Confluence) I can scrape my roms, but once that's done I'm still having issues with getting artwork to show up unless I have RCB running. And I still haven't figured out how to work around the Catch-22 of configuring RCB without an external emulator available. That's the first thing it asks for. The configuration file doesn't even seem to see the line <useBuiltinEmulator> until after you've scraped at least one rom directory. And it won't do that until you add an emulator...
That said I found by accident what you intended by xbmc being the emulator when I clicked on one of my roms just to see what would happen and watched bemusedly when it started playing the intro sequence.
Maybe my problem is simply that I never really bothered with Advanced Launcher or Rom Collection Browser before and this type of configuration is such an old hat to the rest of you, that it gets done automatically, without thinking? Or maybe you've been copying over your perfectly configured collection from several years back with each update and I just need to put in the time and figure it out? If it's the last one, fair enough--I'll do my homework--I don't mind saying though that it feels like I'm walking into the middle of a calculus class without having even passed algebra!
Could someone please point me towards some HOWTOs?
EDIT - Actually, having played with things some more, I'm convinced that RCB should be removed until someone manages to make it completely as integrated in XBMC as adding a television show is now. In 'File' mode everything I've tried so far seems to work just great. I miss the artwork\thumbnails and I wish there were a way to get the names automatically filled out, but otherwise things 'just work' for me in File mode.