2013-04-07, 13:25
I should have a chance to check it out this afternoon
(2013-04-06, 18:45)bananabomb Wrote: I think I tried this, with no luck. Will try it tomorrow to be sure.
Just a note though : the original confluence theme offers the possibility to add a custom background, which wiil be used for all the menus. If you run my test (delete the image from the physical drive), the custom background won't be displayed anymore, which means that it's not the thumbnail that's used by the theme.
EDIT : I tried this morning to store one custom image in a "homescreens" directory I created in the skin.confluence.custom.mod dir, and I confirm that the behaviour is the same : the thumbnail is used as background, not the image itself.
(2013-03-28, 09:44)Mudislander Wrote: Time for a screenshot I think.
Music Viz screen. Fanart turned off to show default background of a few CD cases from your collection. Went with a big spinning CD disc on bottom left instead of usual case and disc. I've seen it on a couple skins but to be honest I "lifted" the code from ACE by MarcosQui - Thanks!! Artist logo also on show.
Also added current playlist button & artist bio once Menu up
Think that should be about it for Music Viz now Time to move onto VideoOSD - any ideas let me know.
(2013-04-08, 14:56)wdpcpa Wrote: So Eden seems stable. Should I always update to the new version. Just getting things like I like them so I am always cautious.
(2013-04-08, 14:56)wdpcpa Wrote: So Eden seems stable. Should I always update to the new version. Just getting things like I like them so I am always cautious.If you're using windows you can try Frodo as a portable build - it just needs a tweak to the shortcut before your first run - without disturbing your Eden setup. That way everything stays within one folder wherever you stick it on the pc.
(2013-04-07, 14:01)Mudislander Wrote: Okay had a look on my system and yes the images are cached & still show when deleted, on my system the cached images are of a similar quality (I can't see any difference) There are settings you can change in "advancedsettings.xml" to change quality.
If I place the images in the skin folder & then select them by using the "home directory" choice on the file browser, my background disappears when they are deleted.