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Music Library: Adding Internet radio URLs
I am trying to make my home music setup (especially for wife) a bit more streamline.

While i have a few GBs of hard disk music nicely categorised for library view, we also listen to a lot of live streaming net radio stations.

I thought it'd be nice if these .strm files could somehow show in the music library. My plan is to create a folder with all the strm files in it, and then hopefully see it as an album in the library by having an Album nfo file in the folder.

Is that a wise idea? This is how far i have reached with my google research, but am now stuck without a clear idea of how a proper XBMC nfo file can be created in this context. Have searched but cant find anything of use. All i have discovered is that internet radio can show in the library, but not how that can be done.

Please help me out here with your guidance, ideas and suggestions.

Internet_video_and_audio_streams (wiki)
"You can associate meta-data, such as cover art and summaries, to a .strm file just like normal entries in a library by using an NFO file, just as you would for a normal video file."

Flirc now has a forum:
I had a look at that link chris.
But its not very detailed about this aspect of .nfo, and i tried creating a basic nfo file with just the album title 'online' and an entry for genre called 'radio'.

Scanned for Library update, and it doesnt show there. Not in the albums, not in the genres.

My questions are:

1. Is it the right way to include strm files in the library?
2. Are there certain entries that are essential when you create a .nfo file as required by XBMC? I had just put the title and genre in there.
3. Should all the .strm files be somehow reflected in the .nfo?

There is also an add-on to look into:

Flirc now has a forum:
Chris, my intention was to be able to execute internet radio commands from the Remote control app on my mobile phone as well as from the Web interface on my laptop. If the library included the strm files, i could've done that.

From my understanding, it wont be possible to do that with plugins, is that right?

I'm in the same boat. vermanium, did you have any luck since last September?
I haven't been able to get strm to scan to the music library, but I have been able to add them to the video library.
1. Created .nfo files formated for music videos.
2. Added the strm files as music videos since I don't use them.
3. Added the music videos folder to favorites.
4. In Aeon Nox, I created a custom menu button. For type I selected "favorite" and picked the music video folder favorite.
5. Now I have "Live Radio" button on my menu. Clicking it goes to the folder with links to each of the streams.
Hey locuguano
That is exact what i seach for, so i can use my android phone to hear music and RADIO but im am realy a newbee, so can you please tell a litle bit more (for dummies and newbies ;-)
How do you created .nfo files for music video
where can i find the strm files
the "live radio botton" is that on the xbmc remote kontrol for android, or is it on the web interface ? and so on...
I'm facing the same problem here - see my post in the addons forum.

Basically I'm trying to scan a directory with a whole bunch of .strm and .nfo files into the music library, but no matter what I do I can't seem to get it to work. From this thread and others it seems I'm not the only one. It seems that this works for videos and music videos - why not for music? Is there something I'm missing? Has anyone managed to get this working?
(2012-09-17, 00:27)vermanium Wrote: I had a look at that link chris.
But its not very detailed about this aspect of .nfo, and i tried creating a basic nfo file with just the album title 'online' and an entry for genre called 'radio'.

Scanned for Library update, and it doesnt show there. Not in the albums, not in the genres.

My questions are:

1. Is it the right way to include strm files in the library?
2. Are there certain entries that are essential when you create a .nfo file as required by XBMC? I had just put the title and genre in there.
3. Should all the .strm files be somehow reflected in the .nfo?


How did you name the .nfo files. They have to have the EXACT name of the item being referenced without the extension but with .nfo on them, case sensitive.

I've got the same problem

here is what I've done:

I create radionova.strm




after that I create radionova.nfo



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>


<title>RADIO NOVA</title>

<filenameandpath>smb://MOVIES_STATION/Music/XBMC/RADIOS/radio nova/radionova.strm</filenameandpath>

<thumb>smb://MOVIES_STATION/Music/XBMC/RADIOS/radio nova/cover.jpg</thumb>



I try with or without <filenameandpath> it doesn't work

please help me on this and feel free to listen radio nova, best french radio

Post a debug log when you scan your music.
the log don't parse the folder because there is no change
locoguano: your way did more or less what i wanted with the same problem. i did not do the menue button thing. unfortunatelly the media info is still wrong in the now plaing on my webinterface. but i can life with this.

so thanks!

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Music Library: Adding Internet radio URLs0