Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
question about custom menus
Just need a bit of advice, I really really love the ace skin and will continue to use it regardless of the outcome of my little project here.
but what I'm trying to do is utilize the customer menus to "simplify" certain operations for the other folks in the house that don't quite like more then a few buttons to get where they want.

For example, I want to setup an "ondemand" type menu that will include 3-4 addon sources but I don't want the addons themselves just the "movies" and "Tv" sections from each one or in a text list kind of like if you navigated
to your own media from base of the library. I am not sure if I need to make my own video node xmls? I tried using the built in video node function with mixed results, I found I could go into add-ons and basically mark where to stop and it would appear as if say the "Popular Movies" from amazon where a base menu option. I tried the my menu way as well but I don't want it to display like a panel.

If I do have to make my own xmls, for a novice assistance I'm assuming I can mark the places I want as favorites and use that code to some degree? I viewed the wiki but a lot of the info is outdated.
The other option I was considering was making my own plugin in a very basic form, however after spending a good bit of time in the wiki howto section and comparing with current plugins, it was outdated info completely so I'm turning
here for some assistance after many attempts at self help.

This is a big "extra" request but if anyone knows how to make android applications actually launch from the menu asFYI: a set favorite or addon would be helpful. I have examined the current scripts that do so, but they work with mixed resaults (I think they changed the code to call android apps since the Nusku add-ons were made) FYI: Ace skin works beautifully smooth on an android install. I was able to make add-ons that launched apps before which is different then the existing generic android apps section, as you can assign them to favorites etc.. but they kinda broke with the newer XBMC (and all the HW accel builds) so I'm at a loss.

Thank you for reading and any input you all may have.

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