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[MOD] Modded Confluence Vol. 2 (Frodo)
See DialogSeekbar.xml...
There you can change the overlay while paused
- - - Tribute to Metallica - - -
If I managed to help you, please click my reputation

I really like this skin. It works great on Raspberry Pi.

I have been looking for a skin where I can add a "Kids" menu to the Home screen (easily).
I manage to do this by creating smart playlist based on path = path to kids movies and adding it as a favorite in skin settings.

I would like to be able to have all the movies in Kids folder to be seen if they are watched or not (hide watched set to disabled) and to have the ones in Movies menu hidden if watched (hide watched enabled).
Is this possible?

Many Thanks
Pretty much think you'd have to make a "Movies" playlist not including watched movies. There is only one database so, hide watched means hide watched Smile
Noli illegitimi carborundum

ok so i made a boo boo somewhere...

im not an expert at this at all, but having done a little programming here and there and having a basic understanding of general programming i thought this XML stuff wouldnt be too bad... also, theres always google and this wonderful forum,

so - this is my favorite skin, by far. but who doesnt like a little customization? - that being said heres what happened.
ive spent a good bit of time getting all my backgrounds, sub-menus, hiding things, etc. then i took the plunge - adding a new home button.
from what i could gather it was as simple as find the list of home buttons codes in home.xml, copy and item block and change parameters to make it work.

my syntax must not be spot on because when i saved the file and restarted xbmc, there was the infamous blank space.
so i thought, no big deal - i'll just erase what i copied and resave and it'll be good as new.
then i restarted again and it was still there. staring at me, i could hear it mocking me saying " you didnt back up home.xml before you messed with it. BWAHAHAHA"

after faceplaming myself against the couch and thinking all was lost i remembered reading about someone having trouble with the blankspace.
i went back to post 79 and tried to select and unselect custom favorite. no dice.
i then restarted my computer - only to open er up again and see it there,

so - here i am yet again. fearing all is lost. - im almost certain nothing else had changed in my home.xml
does anyone know if there is a certain file - maybe like a cache, or temporary settings - that could keep this "button" between my music and videos?

happy to post file or anything else that might be helpful. thanks in advance.

SS of what im working with.

also if its worth noting, though theres no text- i can "select it" (clicks and rests on space)
& enter make "select" sound
back makes "back" sound - so it acts like a button but i erased the code that generated it in the first place so im pretty lost.
Hey great skin, but I have a problem with the custom background option.

If I select the option in which I can assign separate backgrounds there are moments when you see the stock background included in the skin (y'know the black one with the storage colour thing Wink).
For example: you browse your library and and select the "..." (=the option to go back at the top of the list) there is this background I just don't want to see.

Any way to avoid this?

/this happens too, if xbmc news a second to load the fandet. Until it's loaded I see the 'wrong' background

Maybe you activated the function to add a option to the menu (for example a playing?) and forgot to map a playlist and to give it a proper name?
Had the same thing :o
Like many others I am trying to customize the home menu items to separate the kids movies from the rest. Ideally I would like to change the current "Movies" submenu to:

  1. Kids Movies
  2. New Movies
  3. Movies
  4. Files

I have created smart playlists for the first 3. I can add 2 of them through the "MOD-Settings" as their own button on the home menu but that is not what I want. I have been looking at the home.xml file and think I get the basics but nothing is jumping out as to how to edit the existing Movies submenu items.

Would somebody please point me in the right direction?
These may be simple questions, but I've been working on editing Confluence to show custom launchers in the "recently added" sections for TV Shows - we watch nearly everything from the Free Cable plugin or Hulu - so I'm dropping our few shows into the main menu that way - so we don't have a massive main menu, but we still have quick/pretty access.

BUT - I wanted multiple background images (running atv2, it can handle it) - so now I'm trying to drop my changes into the home.xml file for this modded confluence. That is, if I could find it! I'm on OS X 10.8, I installed the repo from zip and nothing populated inside, so I installed the skin from zip and started using it.

I'm looking in /Applications/XBMC/Contents/Resources/XBMC/addons/
Inside there I have skin.confluence, but no other skin directories (not even the other skins I've installed) and those files have not been modified since the install, but I definitely have the modded skin running and installed.

Where on a mac would I find the skin directory to make manual modifications?

Second question: how can I get the recently added items to be centered instead of set off the right?

That's all - Thanks to Mad-Max for a really great and lightweight skin, I'm looking forward to using it and if I get all my customizations done the way I want to, I'll find a place to post pictures and maybe an explanation.

You can add more than 2 favorites to the main menu?

Thank you.
Ok, here's a bug:
When I go to TV shows, the last displayed fanart there gets stuck and appears in the movies library too. Every movie has this same, last displayed TVshow fanart! This occurs only when extrafanart is enabled!
If I go to Movies before going to TVshows (after a cold start of xbmc) the fanarts display properly.
It happens on all 3 win7 machines (sharing the same video library).
(2013-04-25, 13:55)68rustang Wrote: Like many others I am trying to customize the home menu items to separate the kids movies from the rest. Ideally I would like to change the current "Movies" submenu to:

  1. Kids Movies
  2. New Movies
  3. Movies
  4. Files

I have created smart playlists for the first 3. I can add 2 of them through the "MOD-Settings" as their own button on the home menu but that is not what I want. I have been looking at the home.xml file and think I get the basics but nothing is jumping out as to how to edit the existing Movies submenu items.

Would somebody please point me in the right direction?

Submenu items are in a different XML named IncludesHomeMenuItems


I've highlighted in red one of the movies submenu, If you change the "onclick" into something else you can get what you want.
(For instance I highlighted HDMovies in green which is a playlist from the skin so if you put your playlist in the same folder you can just copy the string)

Hello everybody.

I seem to have forgotten how you make the menu not loop around of itself.
I only have two to three menus so seeing the same menu over and over i a little annoying.

Can anyone help me with this settting / XML-change?
Can someone help me out with the following?

I'm trying to remove: Library from the Videos submenu and need to know what to delete from the IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml

Then I want to edit submenu for videos for
Movies - to open smb share to smb//VICTOR/Movies/
TV Shows - to open smb share to smb//VICTOR/TV Shows/

Then add two new submenu to videos
Addison-TV to open smb share to smb//VICTOR/Addison-TV/
Addision-MOVIES to open smb share to smb//VICTOR/Addision-MOVIES/

Can someone assist?

Thanks for the help
Hi mad-max,

Is it not possible to make the video homescreen works like in Eden, with both recent episodes & movies widget? like this
It was my favourite skin feature, and I'd like to have it again.

And thanks for your hard work!

(2013-05-06, 06:15)Chewy74 Wrote: Can someone help me out with the following?

I'm trying to remove: Library from the Videos submenu and need to know what to delete from the IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml

Then I want to edit submenu for videos for
Movies - to open smb share to smb//VICTOR/Movies/
TV Shows - to open smb share to smb//VICTOR/TV Shows/

Then add two new submenu to videos
Addison-TV to open smb share to smb//VICTOR/Addison-TV/
Addision-MOVIES to open smb share to smb//VICTOR/Addision-MOVIES/

Can someone assist?

Thanks for the help
@Chewy74 - I've just been playing with the same sort of thing. Here are my findings.

The video items are at the top of IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml. I wanted "Files" and "Addons" only, so I deleted the items highlighted below, to leave me with items 90105 and 90107 only.


(Note: Don't delete 90101 or 90108, as these are only skin images (HomeSubEnd.png), not menu items.)

You will possibly want to delete Addons (90107) as well if you don't want that, leaving you with Files (90105). From here you can edit the Files details at your leisure, and make duplicates of it - editing those too - to create the menu items you want.

Here is what the original entry for Files looks like:

Quote:<control type="button" id="90105">

^^ I have bolded the areas that you will be editing. You will need a new id number (use random numbers), new labels, and the share path. Here is what your finished results might look like:

Quote:<control type="button" id="18440">

<control type="button" id="18441">
<label>TV Shows</label>

This doesn't answer your entire post (I got a bit confused when you started talking about a second set of submenus) but hopefully it sets you down the right path. Smile
Thanks Gruso! I will give this a try... I appreciate the help.

(2013-05-18, 07:27)Gruso Wrote: @Chewy74 - I've just been playing with the same sort of thing. Here are my findings.

The video items are at the top of IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml. I wanted "Files" and "Addons" only, so I deleted the items highlighted below, to leave me with items 90105 and 90107 only.


(Note: Don't delete 90101 or 90108, as these are only skin images (HomeSubEnd.png), not menu items.)

You will possibly want to delete Addons (90107) as well if you don't want that, leaving you with Files (90105). From here you can edit the Files details at your leisure, and make duplicates of it - editing those too - to create the menu items you want.

Here is what the original entry for Files looks like:

Quote:<control type="button" id="90105">

^^ I have bolded the areas that you will be editing. You will need a new id number (use random numbers), new labels, and the share path. Here is what your finished results might look like:

Quote:<control type="button" id="18440">

<control type="button" id="18441">
<label>TV Shows</label>

This doesn't answer your entire post (I got a bit confused when you started talking about a second set of submenus) but hopefully it sets you down the right path. :)
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[MOD] Modded Confluence Vol. 2 (Frodo)3