2013-04-10, 14:19
See DialogSeekbar.xml...
There you can change the overlay while paused
There you can change the overlay while paused
(2013-04-25, 13:55)68rustang Wrote: Like many others I am trying to customize the home menu items to separate the kids movies from the rest. Ideally I would like to change the current "Movies" submenu to:
- Kids Movies
- New Movies
- Movies
- Files
I have created smart playlists for the first 3. I can add 2 of them through the "MOD-Settings" as their own button on the home menu but that is not what I want. I have been looking at the home.xml file and think I get the basics but nothing is jumping out as to how to edit the existing Movies submenu items.
Would somebody please point me in the right direction?
(2013-05-06, 06:15)Chewy74 Wrote: Can someone help me out with the following?
I'm trying to remove: Library from the Videos submenu and need to know what to delete from the IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml
Then I want to edit submenu for videos for
Movies - to open smb share to smb//VICTOR/Movies/
TV Shows - to open smb share to smb//VICTOR/TV Shows/
Then add two new submenu to videos
Addison-TV to open smb share to smb//VICTOR/Addison-TV/
Addision-MOVIES to open smb share to smb//VICTOR/Addision-MOVIES/
Can someone assist?
Thanks for the help
Quote:<control type="button" id="90105">
Quote:<control type="button" id="18440">
<control type="button" id="18441">
<label>TV Shows</label>
(2013-05-18, 07:27)Gruso Wrote: @Chewy74 - I've just been playing with the same sort of thing. Here are my findings.
The video items are at the top of IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml. I wanted "Files" and "Addons" only, so I deleted the items highlighted below, to leave me with items 90105 and 90107 only.
(Note: Don't delete 90101 or 90108, as these are only skin images (HomeSubEnd.png), not menu items.)
You will possibly want to delete Addons (90107) as well if you don't want that, leaving you with Files (90105). From here you can edit the Files details at your leisure, and make duplicates of it - editing those too - to create the menu items you want.
Here is what the original entry for Files looks like:
Quote:<control type="button" id="90105">
^^ I have bolded the areas that you will be editing. You will need a new id number (use random numbers), new labels, and the share path. Here is what your finished results might look like:
Quote:<control type="button" id="18440">
<control type="button" id="18441">
<label>TV Shows</label>
This doesn't answer your entire post (I got a bit confused when you started talking about a second set of submenus) but hopefully it sets you down the right path. :)