Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Bug Concerts (music video) playlist submenu does not work
I have not been able to get the concerts submenu "playlists" to work. This problem I have also had on Aeon MQ4, I believe it is the same code. When you select the playlist submenu, the code in CustomSubConcerts is
<onclick condition="!Skin.HasSetting(custommode)">ActivateWindow(videos,musicvideoplaylists,return)</onclick>

As far as I can tell, there no such thing as videos,musicvideoplaylists, only videos,playlists since all that's provided (for smart playlists any way) is music, video, and mixed subfolders. When I make the change to videos,playlists I now get them displaying, otherwise I just get the background image and the log shows an error, no such directory.

scott s.

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Concerts (music video) playlist submenu does not work0