I'm trying to make ClearLogo enable for moviesets.
So I have mod your script to handle logo.png.
But logo.png is not inserted in XBMC Data Base
In my LOG file, I can see that my folder.png is found and inserted :
17:20:37 T:8072 DEBUG: [Movie Set Artwork Automator (Frodo)] - Selected thumb: C:\Videos\Wallace et Gromit\folder.jpg
17:20:37 T:8072 DEBUG: [Movie Set Artwork Automator (Frodo)] - Checking video database for set 1
17:20:37 T:8072 DEBUG: [Movie Set Artwork Automator (Frodo)] - Existing art: {u'fanart': u'http://passion-xbmc.org/scraper/Gallery/main/Fanart_WallaceGromitRasdeprs-447065.jpg', u'poster': u'http://passion-xbmc.org/scraper/Gallery/main/Poster_WallaceGromitRasdeprs-447066.jpg'}
17:20:37 T:8072 DEBUG: [Movie Set Artwork Automator (Frodo)] - Adding artwork:
Type: thumb
File: C:\Videos\Wallace et Gromit\folder.jpg
17:20:37 T:8072 DEBUG: [Movie Set Artwork Automator (Frodo)] - Updating artwork:
Type: poster
File: C:\Videos\Wallace et Gromit\folder.jpg
but my logo.png is found and not inserted :
17:20:37 T:8072 DEBUG: [Movie Set Artwork Automator (Frodo)] - Selected clearlogo: C:\Videos\Wallace et Gromit\logo.png
17:20:37 T:8072 DEBUG: [Movie Set Artwork Automator (Frodo)] - Checking video database for set 1
17:20:37 T:8072 DEBUG: [Movie Set Artwork Automator (Frodo)] - Existing art: {u'fanart': u'http://passion-xbmc.org/scraper/Gallery/main/Fanart_WallaceGromitRasdeprs-447065.jpg', u'poster': u'C:\\Videos\\Wallace et Gromit\\folder.jpg', u'thumb': u'C:\\Videos\\Wallace et Gromit\\folder.jpg'}
Insert into XBMC DB is handle by this function :
def update_movie_set(percent, movieset, art_type, filename):
log( "Selected %s: %s" % (art_type, filename), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
dialog_msg( "update", percent = percent, line1 = __language__( 32006 ), \
line2 = " %s %s" % ( __language__( 32007 ), movieset[ "label" ] ), \
line3 = filename )
return DB.updateDatabase(movieset[ "setid" ], filename, art_type)
Am I wrong ?
Did you know why this function did not insert clearlogo art in art table ?
Did you have any documentation about this function ?
If I insert manually my logo in art table :
Logo is displayed in Aeon Nox :
Thanks for your help.
EDIT : Sorry, I found that updateDatabase is provide by your addon in lib folder. I will check out how it work.